Murder List Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Julie Garwood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Murder List Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Julie Garwood
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who creates the paintings that are sold at the charity event?
(a) 14 and 15-year-old students.
(b) Henry's friend, Kevin.
(c) Regan.
(d) The killer.

2. Who is in Lewis' office when Regan and Alec get there?
(a) Alec's boss with the FBI.
(b) Wincott.
(c) Aiden and the family attorney.
(d) Alec's brother.

3. What does Aiden tell Regan to do about the bully?
(a) Aiden tells Regan he will go to the school with her tomorrow and talk to the teacher.
(b) Aiden tells Regan to get the teacher.
(c) Aiden tells Regan to stand up to the bully.
(d) Aiden tells Regan to start crying.

4. What is Alec thinking about buying in Boston?
(a) His brother's townhouse.
(b) A car.
(c) An airplane.
(d) A house.

5. Why is Sweeney being investigated by Internal Affairs?
(a) He is drunk on the job a lot.
(b) He is planning to kill his wife.
(c) He is plotting to kill Lt. Lewis.
(d) He was paid to look the other way while a drug dealer was murdered.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who calls Detective Lewis and clues him in to Regan's wealth?

2. What is the Murdock Hotel?

3. On the evening of the hospital charity event, who is back in town?

4. What does Melissa tell Alec about Regan's computer email?

5. What happens at Kevin's house?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Regan's knee gives out, what happens in the mind of the killer?

2. Why is Henry Portman, Regan's assistant, so concerned with Peter Morris?

3. In Chapter 23, Regan reveals that she omitted a person from her murder list because she was distracted. Who does Regan NOT put on her murder list?

4. When Regan tells Alec that the murder list is hers, what is his reaction and why?

5. Sophie tells the other women that Dr. Shields left the island. Why are Sophie and Cordie going to stay after he already left?

6. When Regan and the girls attend the seminar by Dr. Shields, Regan believes there is a "plant." Who is it?

7. When the computer technician arrives, she tells Regan that the photo is showing exactly how Sweeney was found by the police. Why is this such frightening news? Who would know what Sweeney looked like when he was killed?

8. Why does the author think it is important to introduce the characters as children? How do you think this plot device will help later in the story?

9. In Chapter 19, Wincott tells Alec that Sweeney kept a diary. What does the diary say? Why is this information important? Does any of this connect to Regan? Why or why not?

10. Why does Sophie really want to get involved with the Mary Coolidge case?

(see the answer keys)

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