Mumbo Jumbo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mumbo Jumbo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Pharaoh do to quiet the crowd?
(a) Read from Isis’ book.
(b) Did Osiris’ dance.
(c) Invented a new song.
(d) Sang Jethro’s songs.

2. Who does Black Herman say is ready to meet with PaPaLaBas in Chapter 42?
(a) The visitors in the harbor.
(b) The directors of the Center for Art Detention.
(c) The remnants of Berbelang’s gang.
(d) The police.

3. What miracle did Osiris perform?
(a) He got the vines to follow his dancing.
(b) He multiplied the amount of grain the land could produce.
(c) He made the earth swallow an invading army.
(d) He brought rain to dry land.

4. What is the name of the black freighter?
(a) The Black Hope.
(b) The Black Plume.
(c) The White Death.
(d) The Rusty Skull.

5. Who notices the unusual black ship at the pier?
(a) A white cop.
(b) A black trolley car driver.
(c) A white deliveryman.
(d) A black cabaret dancer.

6. Where is Abdul Hamid’s translated manuscript?
(a) In the Mumbo Jumbo Kathedral.
(b) In Abdul Hamid’s mother’s apartment.
(c) With a publisher.
(d) Lost in the mail.

7. Why did the Knights Templar lose their function in 1303?
(a) The Crusaders were no longer going to fight.
(b) The Holy Land was controlled by Muslims.
(c) Trade with the Middle East had fallen off.
(d) The Holy Land had been won.

8. How are the times described at the beginning of Chapter 53?
(a) The end of the road.
(b) The beginning of a new age.
(c) The dark time in a transition.
(d) The end of the good times.

9. What advice does Black Herman give PaPaLaBas?
(a) Improvise.
(b) Take inventory.
(c) Concentrate.
(d) Imitate.

10. Why did the Jes Grew quit?
(a) The sexual revolution had made it unnecessary.
(b) The Wallflower Order had been defeated.
(c) It had reached New York.
(d) It sensed that the Book of Thoth had been burned.

11. What does Battraville want to do with the man he is looking for?
(a) Expose him to a new loa.
(b) Get him to kill a new loa.
(c) Feed him to a new loa.
(d) Sacrifice him to a new loa.

12. How has the Wallflower Order figured out how to undermine the Jes Grew?
(a) By shipping sufferers to Africa.
(b) By educating people in European philosophy.
(c) By buying its followers’ loyalty for the Wallflower Order.
(d) By starving it of money and musicians.

13. What inscription is embroidered on the flag that hangs from the ceiling of the stateroom on the black freighter?
(a) Progress.
(b) Blood and visions.
(c) Blood, pain, excrement.
(d) Upward.

14. How was Moses’ book lost?
(a) It was taken back by Isis.
(b) He hid it from his children.
(c) It was stolen from him.
(d) He burned it.

15. Why does Buddy Jackson say that the whites wanted his Masons out of the mysteries?
(a) Because the mysteries were black mysteries.
(b) Because the mysteries had come from whites.
(c) Because the mysteries had been changed.
(d) Because the mysteries taught rebellion.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Earline say she is married to?

2. What is the Black Mud Sound?

3. Who learned VooDoo from Moses, according to VooDoo tradition?

4. What do the children accuse Safecracker Gould of doing?

5. How did Pharaoh try to restore order?

(see the answer keys)

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