Mule Bone Test | Final Test - Easy

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Mule Bone Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who receives the applause from the Methodist side of the church?
(a) Deacon Simms.
(b) Joe Clarke.
(c) Joe Lindsay.
(d) Reverend Childers.

2. What does Jim Weston take with him as he leaves town?
(a) His guitar and a handkerchief that Daisy made for him.
(b) A small suitcase and his guitar.
(c) His guitar and a picture of him and Dave Carter.
(d) His guitar and jacket.

3. According to Jim Weston, how much does he love Daisy?
(a) So much that he is about to explode.
(b) So much that he would eat a live scorpion for her.
(c) As much as a mother bear loves her cub.
(d) As much as God loves his best angel, Gabriel.

4. How does Deacon Simms suggest that they end the trial?
(a) He says Jim Weston should be compensated for his mistreatment.
(b) He says they should sing, dismiss, and all return to work.
(c) He says Joe Clarke should be run out of town, and he himself should be mayor.
(d) He says everyone should apologize to Jim Weston and set him free.

5. Where do Daisy and Jim Weston plan to go?
(a) They plan to go back into town.
(b) They are going to move to Maitland.
(c) They do not know where they are going.
(d) They plan to go to Daisy's mother's house.

6. Why does Jim Weston pick up a heavy stick as they walk back to town?
(a) It has an interesting shape, and he wants to show it to Joe Clarke.
(b) He uses it as a walking stick.
(c) He plans to use it against anyone in town who tries to keep him out.
(d) He is going to throw it toward a stray dog.

7. What is the setting of Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) 3 p.m. at the United Methodist Church.
(b) Noon at the Macedonia Baptist Church.
(c) 3 p.m. at the Macedonia Baptist Church.
(d) 4 p.m. at the United Methodist Church.

8. What accusation do the Methodists hurl at Dave Carter when he enters the church?
(a) They believe that he started the fight and deserved what he got.
(b) They believe that he is faking his injury, trying to look hurt.
(c) They believe that he has stolen Joe Clarke's chickens.
(d) They belive that he just wants to cause trouble in town.

9. What evidence does Sister Hambo provide to prove that she is telling the truth?
(a) She swears on her mother's grave that she is telling the truth.
(b) She belongs to Macedonia Baptist Church and cannot lie.
(c) She has six children, and they are all as honest as she is.
(d) Everyone in town knows that she always tells the truth.

10. Why does Deacon Simms refuse to allow Reverend Childers to use his Bible?
(a) Reverend Childers is a Baptist and cannot read anyway.
(b) Deacon Simms' children gave the Bible to him, so it's special.
(c) He is afraid that Reverend Childers will soil his pages.
(d) He says any good preacher would have brought his own Bible.

11. What does Daisy do after Jim Weston decides that he would rather have his freedom than marry her?
(a) She turns her nose up into the air and walks away.
(b) She nods her head in agreement.
(c) She turns to Dave Carter and offers him the same opportunity.
(d) She cries and begs him to change his mind.

12. Why does Daisy begin to cry when speaking to Jim Weston in Act 3?
(a) He gets angry and slaps her.
(b) He says a woman cannot be trusted.
(c) He threatens to leave her alone in the dark.
(d) He says he does not love her and he never really loved her.

13. How does Lum Boger respond to the women's reactions when he comes back to quiet them?
(a) He gets angry and begins to yell at them.
(b) He stands next to them and glares at them.
(c) He grumbles under his breath and kicks their chairs.
(d) He meekly returns to his seat next to Jim Weston.

14. What does Jim Weston assume when he sees Dave coming down the tracks?
(a) That he is lost.
(b) That he is heading out to see Daisy.
(c) That he has been run out of town, too.
(d) That he is looking for him.

15. What does Sister Pitt suggest they must do before the trial begins?
(a) Call a formal list of witnesses.
(b) Sing a hymn.
(c) Start with a prayer.
(d) Read the charges.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Daisy respond when Dave Carter asks if she loves him?

2. What excuse does Daisy give Dave Carter to explain why she has not chosen him?

3. How does Jim Weston respond to the Baptists' actions when he enters the church?

4. According to Reverend Childers, what is the most dangerous weapon in the world?

5. How many people are in the church at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2?

(see the answer keys)

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