Mule Bone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Mule Bone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What game are the children playing in front of the store?
(a) Hopscotch.
(b) Chick-me, chick-me, cranie-crow.
(c) Red rover.
(d) Double-dutch.

2. What information does Sister Taylor share with Lum Boger in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) She tells him that Daisy deserves to be arrested, not Jim Weston.
(b) She tells him when and where the trial will be held.
(c) She tells him where the gavel is located.
(d) She tells him that Deacon Simms is looking for him.

3. Describe the relationship between the Methodists and the Baptists in town.
(a) They do not agree on many ideas and do not get along.
(b) They are beginning to learn how to accept one another.
(c) They work together to fight corruption.
(d) They are friendly toward one another.

4. How does Joe Clarke defend himself against Sisters Taylor and Thomas when he arrives at the trial?
(a) He says they should all learn to look past their differences and get along with others.
(b) He says he understands their concerns, but he will not become a Baptist.
(c) He says he does not have to answer to anyone, especially to women.
(d) He says he is not choosing sides; he only wants justice.

5. Where has Daisy been before her return to town?
(a) She was away at college.
(b) She was in prison for a suspicious accident.
(c) No one knows where she has been.
(d) She was in the North working for a white family.

6. What does Sister Taylor call the Baptist children?
(a) "You all varmints."
(b) "Devil's chillen."
(c) "Limbs of Satan."
(d) "Lil Baptis' Haitians."

7. According to Deacon Simms, what kind of day is it in Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) It is a chilly day.
(b) It is a windy day.
(c) It is a hot day.
(d) It is a cloudy day.

8. What assurance does Deacon Simms give Sisters Taylor and Thomas?
(a) He assures them that Jim Weston will get the punishment he deserves.
(b) He assures them that they will both get a chance to testify at the trial.
(c) He assures them that the trial will be quick and fair.
(d) He assures them that not only will Jim Weston be cleared, but they may get a new mayor.

9. How does Dave Carter react to Jim Weston's anger?
(a) He ignores him and escorts Daisy into the store so he can buy her a treat.
(b) He accuses Jim Weston of being an inferior musician.
(c) He apologizes to his friend.
(d) He punches Jim Weston in the stomach.

10. According to Sister Taylor, what will ruin a person's eyesight?
(a) Gossiping about neighbors.
(b) Handling a mule bone.
(c) Reading without enough light.
(d) Having one's eye teeth pulled out.

11. What does Sister Taylor do to end the argument with the sassy young girl?
(a) She turns the girl over her knee and spanks her.
(b) She calls the girl's mother over and lets the mother deal with her.
(c) She embarrasses the girl in front her friends.
(d) She heads to the church to tell the girl's mother.

12. What complaint does Deacon Simms have about snakes?
(a) The snakes keep eating his chicks.
(b) They are the only creature of which he is afraid.
(c) They are messengers of the devil and represent evil.
(d) He can never tell the difference between venomous and non-venomous snakes.

13. According to Mrs. Roberts, why should the store owner give her some meat?
(a) He gave meat to her neighbor, so it is only fair that he do the same for her.
(b) He owes her money for some eggs that she traded.
(c) Her husband doesn't provide enough for her and her children.
(d) Their religion requires that he take care of the poor.

14. What is Mary Ella's criticism about the Methodist Church?
(a) She says that it might be big, but they do not have enough members to fill it.
(b) She says that no matter how nice it looks, God does not visit there.
(c) She says that it does not have any windows and it is located in the swamp.
(d) She says the Methodist Church does not have a church bell.

15. What does Dave Carter do after Jim Weston hits him?
(a) Falls unconscious.
(b) Staggers away, supported by Daisy.
(c) Shakes his head and walks back out of town.
(d) Staggers away, supported by Joe Clarke and Deacon Simms.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sister Jones say she won't testify for Jim Weston?

2. Which of the following best describes the children's journey to the church?

3. What complaint does Joe Clarke make about Lum Boger?

4. On whose side is Joe Clarke in the matter of Jim Weston?

5. With what does Jim Weston hit Dave Carter?

(see the answer keys)

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