Mulatto Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Mulatto Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. He knows he is neither black nor white, and he looks just like who?

2. What comment does little Billy make?

3. What does Bert refuse to do when he hears the Colonel coming?

4. What do Cora and William discuss, regarding Bert?

5. On what subject do Bert, Cora and William stay?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Cora's response when the Undertaker tells Cora that Norwood is dead?

2. Of what does William warn Cora? What does her response lead William to think of her?

3. Who does Bert pass as he leaves?

4. What does the Undertaker ask Sam?

5. How does the Colonel feel about Robert's behavior?

6. What do Sallie and Norwod discuss? What does Norwood insist Sallie do? Why does Norwood become upset with Sallie, as well as Bert?

7. What does Cora try to do, one more time, regarding Bert?

8. What do Cora, William, and Bert discuss?

9. What does Cora say to Bert, as they enter?

10. What do Cora and William discuss?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Cora seems calm after Norwood's death.

Part 1) Why is she so calm? Are you surprised by her reaction to his violent death?

Part 2) How has her character and personality been changed by this death? Will this be a permanent change? Explain.

Part 3) Compare and contrast her reaction to the reactions of others. Why do these similarities and differences exist?

Essay Topic 2

Norwood and Bert have much in common.

Part 1) Prove this statement.

Part 2) How do these similarities reflect the theme of this play and the plays deeper meaning?

Part 3) What role do these similarities play in the advancement of the plot of the play? Could these two characters have been able to act any differently towards one another? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Bert is filled with hatred.

Part 1) Who does he hate? Why?

Part 2) What has caused this hatred? Is he able to rid himself of this hatred? Why or why not?

Part 3) How does Bert's hatred reflect that of many African Americans at this time in American history?

(see the answer keys)

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