Mulatto Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

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Mulatto Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2, Scene 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bert do to Norwood?
(a) He strangles him.
(b) He shoots him.
(c) He stabs him.
(d) He hugs him.

2. What does Bert believe he should not have to do?
(a) Stand up to Norwood.
(b) Work out in the fields like the other field hands.
(c) Leave his home.
(d) Talk with Norwood.

3. As he leaves, who does Bert pass in the driveway?
(a) William and the storekeeper.
(b) The slave overseer, Talbot, and the storekeeper.
(c) Billy and his friend.
(d) Talbot and William.

4. What connection do they make?
(a) Between the departing Bert and Norwood's death.
(b) Between Cora standing there and Norwood's body.
(c) Between William and Cora's interaction.
(d) Between Norwood's screams and his death.

5. Where does Cora say she will see Bert when he leaves?
(a) In the car.
(b) At the back door.
(c) On the bus.
(d) At the front door.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the first scene of the second act begin?

2. What does Norwood think about but not do to Bert?

3. For whom is Cora scared?

4. With whom did Bert have dinner?

5. What point does Norwood try to make, regarding his "colored folks?"

(see the answer key)

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