Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Martin Lings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Martin Lings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of the woman who married Shaybah's most loved son?
(a) Zainab.
(b) Mariah.
(c) Aisha.
(d) Aminah.

2. In Chapter 21, what did Utbah want Muhammad to make him?
(a) An overlord and king.
(b) Muhammad's assistant.
(c) A religious leader.
(d) An army chief.

3. What happened to the cup that was passed at dinner in Chapter 17?
(a) It turned water to wine.
(b) It overflowed.
(c) It spilled into the lap of a traitor.
(d) It never emptied.

4. In the end, how many daily prayers became the creed of Islam?
(a) One.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) Eight.

5. Where did God guide Hagar and her son?
(a) A mountain called Moriah.
(b) The city of Medina.
(c) A valley called Becca.
(d) The Jordan River.

6. Who was the Negus?
(a) A tribal chief.
(b) An idolator.
(c) A fortune teller.
(d) A King.

7. What did Shaybah promise God he would do if he was blessed with many sons?
(a) Teach them to honor God.
(b) Take his own life in sacrifice.
(c) Build a temple.
(d) Sacrifice one of them to God.

8. Though he was considered too young, in how many battles did Muhammad fight?
(a) Ten.
(b) Twenty.
(c) One.
(d) Fifty.

9. What did some parents do when their children followed Muhammad?
(a) Sacrificed them to God.
(b) Disinherited them.
(c) Imprisoned them.
(d) Disowned them.

10. In Chapter 34, how many men from around Yathrib were said to have converted to Islam?
(a) Thirty.
(b) Six.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Ninety.

11. What was buried along with the well?
(a) A map.
(b) Treasure.
(c) Religious texts.
(d) Hagar.

12. Abu Jahl proposed each clan select one man to form another group with those selected for what purpose?
(a) To attack Muhammad.
(b) To infiltrate the Muslim community.
(c) To form a law-forming committee.
(d) To warn the Abyssinians about the Muslims.

13. What did Utbah say had happened to the tribe due to Muhammad's teachings?
(a) The tribe had become the target of violence.
(b) A rift had formed in the tribe.
(c) The tribemembers had become a closer knit group.
(d) The tribe had lost its wealth.

14. How many questions were the Quraysh given to ask Muhammad?
(a) Seven.
(b) Ten.
(c) Eleven.
(d) Three.

15. What plant blocked the cave that Muhammad hid in in Chapter 37?
(a) An Almond tree.
(b) An Acacia tree.
(c) A Cypress tree.
(d) A Palm tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 31, where did Muhammad take refuge?

2. What did the Quraysh debate about at almost every gathering?

3. What was the girl who was carried in Chapter 33 wrapped in?

4. How did some people come to practice Islam?

5. What were many of the early followers of Muhammad?

(see the answer keys)

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