Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet Test | Final Test - Medium

Karen Armstrong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet Test | Final Test - Medium

Karen Armstrong
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Muhammad: A Biography of the Prophet Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In response to Sura 93, what did Muhammad do?
(a) He studied the Torah.
(b) He kept quiet for two years.
(c) He began to pray to God.
(d) He began his mission in 612.

2. In 625, Muhammad took another wife, Hafsah. What reason did he have this marriage?
(a) Sexual pleasure.
(b) Practical reasons.
(c) Love.
(d) Duty.

3. When is this mystical event celebrated?
(a) On the 27 Rajab.
(b) On the 47 Rajab.
(c) On the 17 Rajab.
(d) On the 37 Rajab.

4. When would Muhammad could meet these pilgrims?
(a) When they were ready to convert.
(b) When it was safe.
(c) When he had more time.
(d) When he had converted all in Mecca.

5. Into what era was Muhammad born into?
(a) Of a Christian world.
(b) Of hard times in the Arab world.
(c) Of a world of ignorance.
(d) Of fighting in the Arab world.

Short Answer Questions

1. The six pilgrims returned in 622. They met with Muhammad and others in what is known as __________ to discuss the conversion of the tribe.

2. Medina had developed to the point where it needed trade. What did Muhammad try to weaken?

3. With Khadija gone, with whom did Muhammad find refuge with?

4. Who were among the first members of the Muslim community?

5. What did supporters of Rushdie feel that Islam did?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe many of the references in the Quran. What is their purpose?

2. What took place the year after the negotiations took place?

3. What happened when the pilgrims from Yathrib returned in 622?

4. Describe Muhammad's greatest mystical experience.

5. What took place in 627 to 628?

6. Describe the raids done by those who had emigrated to Medina. How did this affect the Quran?

7. What was the affect of the Badr?

8. What happened after Muhammad moved to Medina?

9. Who were Muhammad's first followers? Why?

10. What eventually happened to the alliance with the Jews? Why might this have happened?

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