Mrs. Everything Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jennifer Weiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mrs. Everything Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jennifer Weiner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the leaders of the protest movement ask the women to do at the meeting Jo and Shelley attend in Part II?
(a) Clean the house.
(b) Feed the pets.
(c) Go out to buy paper.
(d) Make dinner for everyone.

2. What does Jo tell Bethie about how Bethie looks the last time they see each other before Jo goes on her trip abroad?
(a) Bethie is too thin.
(b) Bethie looks well-rested.
(c) Bethie looks tired.
(d) Bethie has gained a lot of weight.

3. What music festival does Bethie travel to with her friends in Part II?
(a) Woodstock.
(b) Weehawken.
(c) Newport.
(d) Mescogie.

4. Where does Sarah Kaufman find a job after Ken Kaufman dies?
(a) Mooric Bakery.
(b) Zabar's.
(c) The county clerk's office.
(d) Hudson's.

5. What is the name of Uncle Mel's housekeeper?
(a) Kimberly.
(b) Lynnette.
(c) Coretta.
(d) Coralee.

Short Answer Questions

1. What poem did Uncle Mel read at his brother Ken's shiva?

2. What street is the Kaufman's new house on in Part I?

3. Who thinks she should have gotten the lead in the Hebrew School play instead of Bethie in Part I?

4. Who is Shelley's boyfriend?

5. What does Shelley call Jo as a playful nickname?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Dev treat Bethie in Part II?

2. How does Sarah treat Jo and Bethie differently when they are little girls?

3. When Jo is a young child and standing outside the Kaufman's new home on Alhambra Street for the first time, what makes Sarah so angry?

4. What role does Jo's high school friend Lynnette play in her life?

5. What happens to Bethie when she goes to the Newport music festival in Part II?

6. What does Bethie think of the farm they stop at with Dev and their friends on the way to Newport?

7. What does Bethie remember about being Esther in the Hebrew School play when she was 11?

8. In Part I, what happens that makes Jo want to run away from home?

9. What does Bethie try for the first time when she visits Jo at college in Part II?

10. Before Jo meets Shelley at college, how does she feel about her college experience?

(see the answer keys)

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