Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Head
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Test | Final Test - Easy

Ann Head
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of injury does Gory have?
(a) A sprained ankle.
(b) A concussion.
(c) A torn achilles tendon.
(d) A broken leg.

2. After revealing that she is pregnant, what does Louella ask July?
(a) Whether July will go see a doctor with her.
(b) Whether there are any orphanages nearby.
(c) Whether she knows an abortion doctor.
(d) Whether July has ever been pregnant.

3. What does Bo Jo say July should do instead of meeting with Louella?
(a) Sew clothes for the baby.
(b) Learn to cook.
(c) Get a job.
(d) Read a book.

4. Where does July's family's annual picnic take place?
(a) On Tybee Island.
(b) On Barrie Island.
(c) On Cain Island.
(d) On Mud Island.

5. What does July accuse Alice of?
(a) Spreading gossip about Bo Jo.
(b) Messing around with Bo Jo.
(c) Calling July a nasty name.
(d) Looking down on July.

6. How does Louella support herself?
(a) Hairdressing.
(b) Seamstressing.
(c) Housekeeping.
(d) Waitressing.

7. Who does July receive a letter from?
(a) Louella.
(b) The college she hoped to attend.
(c) Her grandmother.
(d) Horace.

8. How does Louella feel after her appointment?
(a) Devastated.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Relieved.
(d) Happy.

9. When July finds the letter from the football coach, what does she realize?
(a) That Bo Jo still wants to go to college.
(b) That Bo Jo never liked football.
(c) That Bo Jo is trying to hide something from her.
(d) That it put Bo Jo in a bad mood.

10. Who throws July a baby shower?
(a) Grandmother Greher.
(b) Mrs. Greher.
(c) Mary Ann.
(d) Hatty.

11. When July returns home, what does Bo Jo accuse July of doing with Louella?
(a) Getting drunk.
(b) Shopping when they have no money.
(c) Talking badly about him.
(d) Going for an abortion.

12. What does Mrs. Greher say she hopes Mrs. Jones has brought to the picnic?
(a) Strawberry shortcake.
(b) Homemade lemonade.
(c) Banana muffins.
(d) Fried Chicken.

13. When are the college football practices scheduled to begin?
(a) September.
(b) June.
(c) July.
(d) August.

14. Whose wedding has July recently attended in the epilogue?
(a) Hatty's.
(b) Mary Ann's.
(c) Gory's.
(d) Alice's.

15. What has Louella made an appointment to do when she visits July?
(a) Give her baby up for adoption.
(b) Get an abortion.
(c) Go to marriage counseling.
(d) See the dentist.

Short Answer Questions

1. After fighting with July following Louella's visit, what state is Bo Jo in when he returns home?

2. How is Alan's personality described when he comes to visit Mary Ann?

3. What is the name of the doctor July goes to?

4. How does July think Bo Jo will feel about her parents paying for her medical bills?

5. How do July and Bo Jo calm Nicholas when he barges into their home?

(see the answer keys)

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