The Moviegoer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moviegoer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is John's nickname?
(a) James.
(b) Jacob.
(c) Johnnie.
(d) Jack.

2. What does the reader start to understand about John?
(a) His mother loves him.
(b) He is too good for Kate.
(c) John is very selfish.
(d) He is the way he is because of his father.

3. To whom was Kate, Jack's cousin, once engaged?
(a) Grant Howard.
(b) Lyell Lovell.
(c) Jimmy Mercer.
(d) Walter.

4. Why does John like to read these sorts of books?
(a) To see the amount of hate one group has for another.
(b) To see the love people have for others.
(c) To understand the meaning of life.
(d) To create a deeper meaning for his life.

5. What does John realize about Sharon's boyfriend?
(a) John is attracted to him.
(b) He could be friends with him.
(c) He hates him.
(d) He is not that attractive.

6. Who is John closest to in his family?
(a) His mother.
(b) Lonnie.
(c) His little sister.
(d) His stepfather.

7. Why does Harold love John?
(a) John saved Harold's wife's life.
(b) Because Harold saved John's life.
(c) John saved Harold's life.
(d) John is really Harold's son.

8. What community of people does John relate to?
(a) Mormons.
(b) Jewish people.
(c) Catholics.
(d) Artists.

9. What does Kate think about his problems?
(a) That they are not really problems.
(b) John has no problems.
(c) She hates the way John complains.
(d) That John might be overlooking the most obvious answer to his problems.

10. When John sees Sharon at the office, what does he realize?
(a) He realizes he is no longer in love with Sharon.
(b) He misses Kate.
(c) He still loves Sharon.
(d) He wants to quit his job.

11. Why does Kate ask John to marry him?
(a) John is attracted to Kate.
(b) John wants to save Kate.
(c) He is very much in love with Kate.
(d) He figures that Kate will not hurt them.

12. What does Sharon hide from John?
(a) What she is reading.
(b) The outfit she is wearing.
(c) The magazine she reads.
(d) Her true thoughts about him.

13. What does Sharon think of John's attentions?
(a) She should not reciprocate.
(b) She loves John.
(c) She does not take him seriously.
(d) She does not want them.

14. What does Kate thinks about her therapist?
(a) She is very smart.
(b) She is telling Kate's secrets to others.
(c) She is attracted to her.
(d) She does not believe he is truly helping her.

15. What is special about the way Lonnie and John communicate?
(a) They speak pig latin.
(b) They communicate beyond words.
(c) They use sign language.
(d) They are psychic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time does John wake up?

2. What does John conceal from Sharon?

3. Why is it interesting that Sharon and John keep the books they are reading a secret from one another?

4. What does John like to read at the library?

5. What body part is in pain after the accident?

(see the answer keys)

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