The Mousetrap Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mousetrap Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 86 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mollie promised to cook later in the day?
(a) Pie
(b) Cookies
(c) Cake
(d) Custard

2. What causes Mrs. Boyle to leave the room?
(a) Bedtime
(b) Argument
(c) Loud music
(d) Drafty floor

3. What is the condition of the roads?
(a) Slushy
(b) Clearing
(c) Treacherous
(d) Impassable

4. How deep are the snow drifts?
(a) 8 feet
(b) 5 feet
(c) 6 feet
(d) 3 feet

5. What color does Miss Casewell used to describe herself?
(a) Blue
(b) Yellow
(c) Red
(d) Pink

6. What item is distracting to Mrs. Boyle?
(a) Snow
(b) Conversation
(c) Police
(d) Radio

7. How does Wren think "Three Blind Mice" is related to the killer?
(a) The killer is a child
(b) It is the killer's signature
(c) The killer is fascinated with rodents
(d) The killer is mentally disturbed

8. What legal document did Giles procure?
(a) Tax forms
(b) Business license
(c) Sales tax document
(d) Wireless license

9. Mrs. Boyle has sold what piece of property?
(a) House
(b) Car
(c) Writing desk
(d) Book collection

10. According to Major Metcalf, which animal would be delighted?
(a) Tabby
(b) Puppy
(c) Canary
(d) Lion

11. Mrs. Boyle refers to Miss Casewell as a:
(a) Sycophant
(b) Spoiled little girl
(c) Debutante
(d) Socialist

12. What topic holds no interest for Miss Casewell?
(a) Architecture
(b) Politics
(c) Debate
(d) Literature

13. What is Mrs. Boyle doing at the beginning of the scene?
(a) Complaining
(b) Knitting
(c) Writing
(d) Drinking tea

14. Miss Casewell says she has no use for which profession?
(a) Psychologists
(b) Doctors
(c) Architects
(d) Police

15. With whom does Mollie collide on the staircase?
(a) Giles
(b) Sergeant Trotter
(c) Miss Casewell
(d) Mrs. Boyle

Short Answer Questions

1. In what room are the pipes frozen?

2. Scene two begins at what time of the day?

3. What term does Mrs. Boyle use to describe the police interview?

4. What is Mollie carrying down the stairs?

5. What was not on the breakfast menu?

(see the answer keys)

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