Mountains Beyond Mountains Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Mountains Beyond Mountains Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Paul Farmer say he was allowed to return to Haiti after being exiled by the junta?
(a) He carries a false passport.
(b) The new regime invited him to return.
(c) A bribe.
(d) Blackmail.

2. What does Zanmi Lasante mean?
(a) Free Health Services.
(b) One world, united.
(c) Health for Haitians.
(d) Partners in Health.

3. What is the Artibonte?
(a) A river.
(b) A Haitian dialect.
(c) A clinic.
(d) A dam.

4. What are the names of Paul Farmer's parents?
(a) Sue and Peter.
(b) Georgia and Tom.
(c) Ginny and Paul.
(d) Delilah and Hugo.

5. What do the people of Cange use as roofs on their homes when Paul first visits?
(a) Planked wooden roofs.
(b) Thatched banana leaf roofs.
(c) No roofs.
(d) Tin roofs.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Zanmi Lasante funded?

2. What award does Paul Farmer receive in the summer of 1993?

3. Who arranges for Paul Farmer and his wife to vacation in France while he is recovering from his illness?

4. What does Paul Farmer invent that is attributed to inspiration from his daughter?

5. What action does Paul Farmer take after meeting and examining the patient named Joe in 1999?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Jim Yong Kim.

2. How do epidemiological maps give insight into the TB epidemic in Haiti?

3. What is the significance of the Section heading, The Tin Roofs of Cange?

4. How do the staff and patients at Brigham & Women's react to Paul Farmer when Tracy Kidder visits in Chapter Two?

5. Explain the importance of the Peligre Dam to the people of Haiti.

6. Why is Arata Kochi important in Mountains Beyond Mountains?

7. What is the impetus for the creation of Socios en Salud?

8. Why does Ophelia Dahl refuse to marry Paul Farmer?

9. Is Paul Farmer a person of faith, as of Chapter 9?

10. Why is Rudolf Virchow important to Paul Farmer?

(see the answer keys)

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