Mount Dragon: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mount Dragon: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Susana very sensitive about?
(a) Her weight.
(b) Her height.
(c) Her heritage.
(d) Her position.

2. What is the name given to the vast lava flow in the desert?
(a) El Malpais.
(b) El Mendez.
(c) El Jornada.
(d) El Muertes.

3. What is delivered to a helicopter in the desert?
(a) Teece in handcuffs.
(b) A vial of liquid from Mount Dragon.
(c) A briefcase with the GeneDyne logo.
(d) Teece's belongings.

4. Who files a complaint against Guy?
(a) Rosalind.
(b) Levine.
(c) Susana.
(d) Singer.

5. What does Levine refuse to do?
(a) Talk to Brent.
(b) Work with GeneDyne.
(c) Use genetic products.
(d) Renew his patent with Scopes.

6. Where is Novo-Druzhina?
(a) East Germany.
(b) France.
(c) Siberia.
(d) China.

7. Where is Carson's lab and workstation?
(a) First floor corner office.
(b) Second floor at the end of the hall.
(c) Third floor corner office.
(d) Deep in the BSL5 facility.

8. Why does Teece want Guy to join him in a sauna?
(a) He is sore.
(b) It is cold.
(c) There is an absence of recording equipment there.
(d) He is lonely.

9. Who is the media consultant who keeps trying to talk to Levine?
(a) Tommy Wilder.
(b) Toni Wheeler.
(c) Tony Weston.
(d) Tammy Welder.

10. What is the name of the virus that wipes out Novo-Druzhina?
(a) Strain 434.
(b) Strain 232.
(c) Strain 312.
(d) Strain 323.

11. What does Susana want fixed?
(a) A CD player.
(b) A cassette player.
(c) A cordless phone.
(d) A tape recorder.

12. What is the name of the new GeneDyne testing facility?
(a) Mount Bonobos.
(b) Dragon Mountain.
(c) Edison.
(d) Mount Dragon.

13. What gene does Singer tell Carson has already been isolated?
(a) Y-FLU.
(b) No-FLU.
(c) X-FLU.
(d) S-FLU.

14. What lab does Dr. Singer not take Guy Carson into?
(a) The Zoology Level Laboratory.
(b) The Level 6 Research Laboratory.
(c) The Biosafety Level 5 Laboratory.
(d) The Dragon Level Laboratory.

15. What do they discover about this presentation of X-FLU?
(a) It is many times more virulent and deadly.
(b) It is a partial answer.
(c) It is less deadly.
(d) It has side effects.

Short Answer Questions

1. Brent asks that money be given anonymously to a family. Why?

2. Who reveals the truth about Strain 232?

3. How many chimpanzees does Rodney have in cages when he talks to Brent?

4. What are the media questions surrounding instead?

5. Who does he find there?

(see the answer keys)

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