The Mound Builders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Mound Builders Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Delia's second book?
(a) The Doctor.
(b) The Last Days.
(c) Spindrift.
(d) Seven Nights.

2. What is Delia's last name?
(a) Howe.
(b) Eriksen.
(c) Roberts.
(d) Johnson.

3. Who is the author of the Aztec poem that is recited in Act 1?
(a) Tinkonuktu.
(b) The shaman it was buried by.
(c) It is unknown.
(d) A God-King.

4. Where does Jean develop an interest in medicine?
(a) In school.
(b) A mental institution.
(c) From her grandmother.
(d) At a camp.

5. Where on the set do the projections appear, according to the stage directions?
(a) On the desk.
(b) On a screen at the front of the stage.
(c) On the back wall.
(d) On a curtain.

6. What does Cynthia say the posts were used for in Act 1?
(a) Weaponry.
(b) Walls.
(c) Fishing.
(d) Tombs.

7. Which character does August say is coming to stay with them unexpectedly?
(a) Kirsten.
(b) Delia.
(c) Chad.
(d) Jean.

8. What does Dan claim is another name for the Temple Mound People?
(a) The Aztecs.
(b) The Adena.
(c) The Early Mississippian Culture.
(d) The Jasker Tribe.

9. How old is Kirsten?
(a) Eleven.
(b) Nine.
(c) Thirteen.
(d) Eight.

10. What is the setting at the very beginning of Act 1?
(a) The site of the dig.
(b) August's study.
(c) The university.
(d) The kitchen of August's home.

11. What house is shown in the first slides in Act 1?
(a) The house the archeologists were staying.
(b) Dan and Jean's house.
(c) August's house at the university.
(d) Chad's house.

12. What does Delia claim was the model for Camus' The Plague?
(a) New Zealand.
(b) Paris.
(c) Oran.
(d) New York.

13. Who is mentioned by Delia that wrote a book about the eye and vision?
(a) August.
(b) Her father.
(c) Her husband.
(d) August's ex-wife.

14. What does Delia claim they were doing to her at the hospital?
(a) Locking her away.
(b) Making her well.
(c) Trying to kill her.
(d) Stealing her things.

15. Which character says in Act 1, "The truth is in dreams and nightmares, but you haven't succeeded in getting that down?"
(a) Dan.
(b) August.
(c) Delia.
(d) Cynthia.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Professor August Howe?

2. What are the directions that August gives Dianne regarding his recording?

3. What is Jean called as a child?

4. What is the term that defines Landford Wilson's use of a projector in The Mound Builders?

5. Delia admits to Jean in Act 1 that she is what?

(see the answer keys)

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