Mother's Day (Short Story) Test | Final Test - Easy

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 68 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother's Day (Short Story) Test | Final Test - Easy

George Saunders
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 68 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Debi's daughter write on the postcard she sent two weeks after she took off?
(a) Please send money.
(b) I can't wait for you to come visit!
(c) I'm fine, don't try to find me.
(d) I'm in trouble, please help.

2. How does Debi think of herself as a mother?
(a) Generous.
(b) Too strict.
(c) Too lenient.
(d) Neglectful.

3. What did Debi see Paulie doing the day before at Wegmans?
(a) Trying to steal cigarettes.
(b) Buying flowers for Alma.
(c) Buying nips of whiskey.
(d) Applying for a job.

4. What word is repeated when Debi thinks of her relationship with her daughter?
(a) Excruciating.
(b) Symbiotic.
(c) Tense.
(d) Easy.

5. What does Debi recall her daughter learning a lot about when she was younger?
(a) The American Indian Wars.
(b) The Industrial Revolution.
(c) The French Revolution.
(d) The Civil War.

6. How does Debi try to justify her daughter leaving without a word?
(a) She taught her daughter how to save enough money to survive on her own.
(b) Her daughter had always been a free-spirit.
(c) Debi knew she deserved it.
(d) She raised a bold, independent girl.

7. What did Paul buy Alma for her birthday not long before he died?
(a) A Green Karmann Ghia.
(b) A Red Granada.
(c) A Black Cadillac.
(d) A Blue Scorpio.

8. How did Alma respond when Pammy suggested Debi Hather was an old friend?
(a) She said she was not sure Debi would remember her.
(b) She said she had never seen the woman in her life.
(c) She said she never meant anything to them.
(d) She said she used to sleep with her father.

9. Why does Debi refuse to judge Alma or anyone?
(a) To judge was to dominate.
(b) She believes one should be curious, not judgmental.
(c) One should not judge others if they do not want to be judged themselves.
(d) Judging was not loving.

10. What does Debi finally do when Alma continues to glare at her "as if stuck"(8)?
(a) She goes inside.
(b) She flips her off.
(c) She lifts her shirt.
(d) She waves.

11. What does Pammy ask Alma as she stares at Debi from across the street?
(a) If she wants her to slap Debi for what she did.
(b) If she knows that crazy hippie.
(c) If she is the one her dad had an affair with.
(d) If she wants to say hi to her old friend.

12. How long had it been since Debi last heard from her daughter?
(a) 10 years.
(b) 32 years.
(c) 3 weeks.
(d) 6 months.

13. What did Debi's daughter do before a parade once to make their house look more presentable?
(a) Mow their lawn.
(b) Paint their house.
(c) Buy a bird bath.
(d) Plant roses.

14. Who does Debi refer to as the love of her life?
(a) Phil.
(b) Paul.
(c) Carl.
(d) Tom.

15. What does Debi recall her daughter doing when she brought a boy named Rob over, which Debi could not fathom?
(a) She did not wear makeup.
(b) She dressed in sweatpants.
(c) She kept her retainer on.
(d) She talked about school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Debi think of Alma as a mother?

2. How does Debi describe her daughter when thinking "somehow she'd go stuck with the wrong kid" (7)?

3. What does Pammy suggest Alma do when Debi waves at her?

4. How does Debi describe Alma's face when she first sees her from across the street?

5. What did Paul once give to Debi after they had sex behind St. Jude's?

(see the answer keys)

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