Motherless Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Motherless Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lionel thinks Gilbert is framed for
(a) Tony's murder.
(b) Uhlmann's murder.
(c) Frank's murder.
(d) Stealing money from L & L Car Service.

2. The more obvious symptoms of Lionel's disease are
(a) Tapping, clapping and multiple personalities.
(b) Touching, counting and repeating words.
(c) Counting, yelling and swallowing.
(d) Blurting out words in his sleep and snoring.

3. Loomis' tendencies toward laziness and imprecision cause Lionel to
(a) Suffer more than his usual number of symtoms.
(b) Slap him.
(c) Lecture him.
(d) Dislike him.

4. Although Lionel describes his abundance of symptoms and the feelings that accompany them, he does not
(a) Tell jokes.
(b) Try to suppress them.
(c) Whine and complain.
(d) Understand that he is different than others.

5. When Lionel goes to tell Julia about Frank, he finds out
(a) She has a police escort.
(b) She is taking over L & L Car Service.
(c) She is having an affair.
(d) She already knows and is packed to leave.

Short Answer Questions

1. The symptoms of Lionel's disease are called

2. By condensing Chapter 4 to one page and one phrase that mentions dreams, the author is conveying

3. Frank Minna begins picking the boys up

4. According to Lionel, a Touretter can also be

5. When Frank says, "Don't tug the boat," he means

Short Essay Questions

1. What role does Frank play in the lives of the MInna Men?

2. Discuss what Lionel means when he says, It (meaning Minna's influence) changed us as a group. We developed a certain collective ego, a presence apart at the Home.

3. Frank's nickname for Lionel, Freakshow, suggests what?

4. What is the significance of the chapter, Tourette Dreams being composed of just one line?

5. Describe what happens in the penguin incident with Lionel and Gilbert.

6. Give an example of how Minna used people to mark his territory.

7. What is inferred in the sentence: "We were all four of us an arrangement around a missing centerpiece, as incoherent as a verbless sentence.

8. Describe Tony's character.

9. At St. Vincent's Home for Boys, where did Lionel spend all of his time and why?

10. Describe the symptoms of Lionel's disease.

(see the answer keys)

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