Motherless Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Motherless Brooklyn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Almost everyone in the story
(a) Caught Lionel's disease from him.
(b) Shoots someone.
(c) Smokes.
(d) Is adopted.

2. The phenomenon that the boys study by watching television shows like I Dream of Jeannie and the Brady Bunch is
(a) The antics of women.
(b) Life in the '70's.
(c) Fantasy.
(d) Relationships.

3. Many of Lionel's verbal responses include
(a) References to his childhood.
(b) Rhymes.
(c) Profanity.
(d) Spitting.

4. Frank Minna refers to his Mother as
(a) The Old Stove.
(b) Mommy.
(c) Ma.
(d) Carlotta.

5. The item Lionel steals from the home of The Clients is
(a) A fork.
(b) A hundred-dollar bill.
(c) A guitar.
(d) A beer.

6. Frank loves the effects of Lionel's disease on his clients because
(a) He is rude.
(b) He thinks they need to be taught a lesson.
(c) He wants to teach them about the disease.
(d) It unnerves them.

7. According to Lionel, a Touretter can also be
(a) Ambidextrous.
(b) Silent.
(c) A Genius.
(d) The Invisible Man

8. The story begins with a stakeout in front of the
(a) Minna's Moving Company.
(b) Tool Company.
(c) Yorkville Zendo.
(d) Queensborough Bridge.

9. The phrase, "and you go with them, astonished to leave yourself behind," implies
(a) Having a nightmare.
(b) A person with Tourette's has no identity without their tics.
(c) A hallucination.
(d) Walking in your sleep.

10. After leaving St. Vincent's, Lionel lived
(a) Next door to Julia.
(b) On the street for two years.
(c) In the apartment above L & L.
(d) With Frank Minna.

11. Lionel spends many hours of his childhood
(a) Playing with Tony.
(b) In the library.
(c) Crying.
(d) Hiding.

12. When Frank leaves the building, he is being escorted by
(a) The doorman.
(b) Kimmery.
(c) Gilbert.
(d) A giant man in a black coat.

13. By condensing Chapter 4 to one page and one phrase that mentions dreams, the author is conveying
(a) Lionel spending the night with Kimmery.
(b) The passing of night.
(c) Frank's unconsciousness.
(d) An epileptic attack.

14. Lionel and Gilbert find Frank wounded in
(a) A steel mill.
(b) A Lincoln.
(c) A Dumpster.
(d) A K-car.

15. On the way to the hospital, Minna asks Lionel for
(a) His gun.
(b) A joke.
(c) Sympathy.
(d) His promise to find the attacker.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the age of thirteen, Tony is taken in and then returned by foster parents because

2. When Lionel returns from seeing Julia, he gets a phone call with news that

3. At Sarah J. Hale High School, it is not cool for a white boy to talk to, flirt with or make eye contact with a black girl because

4. Lionel's visits to all of Frank's favorite places suggest

5. The L & L Car Service was a front for

(see the answer keys)

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