Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As the narrator recovers in Lionel Jones' basement, what does Resi tell the narrator Jones has arranged?
(a) To have the narrator surrender himself to Israeli authorities in hopes they will grant him leniency.
(b) For Father Keeley to marry them that afternoon.
(c) For everyone in the group to commit mass suicide.
(d) For them to leave the country when he is well enough to travel.

2. For what "crime" was Stepan Bodovskov arrested, tried, and shot?
(a) Capitalism.
(b) Plagiarism.
(c) Originality.
(d) Obscenity.

3. What does the narrator notice about the air when he returns to the attic?
(a) It is filled with dust.
(b) It is clean.
(c) It still smells of Resi's perfume.
(d) It smells of poisonous gas.

4. When the narrator is recovering from the beating, where does George Kraft speculate that he, Resi, and the narrator would go?
(a) Alaska.
(b) Australia.
(c) The tropics.
(d) Siberia.

5. What is the "booty" that the narrator and Frank Wirtanen discuss?
(a) A part of Resi's body.
(b) Lionel Jones' stash of weapons and ammunition.
(c) The trunk filled with the narrator's writings.
(d) George Kraft's paintings.

6. From whom does the narrator receive a note during the Iron Guard meeting and what does it say?
(a) From the man who beat him up at the mailboxes, who says he plans to finish the job after the meeting.
(b) From Helga, saying she really is alive and that she can never forgive her sister for betraying her.
(c) From the Blue Fairy Godmother saying that the narrator's life is in danger.
(d) From his attorney, who says the court will be lenient if he turns himself in now and pleads guilty.

7. What was Lionel Jones' chauffeur's nickname?
(a) The Black Fuehrer of Harlem.
(b) The Bed-Stuy Mussolini.
(c) The Hitler of Hackensack.
(d) The Tojo of Soho.

8. The narrator tells Helga he wants to get a bed like their old one that . . .
(a) Could fold up into the wall.
(b) Provided really good back support.
(c) Had a headboard like an Italian sunset.
(d) Was stuffed with goose down.

9. What are Resi, Father Keeley, and the Black Fuehrer doing when the narrator returns from his meeting with Frank Wirtanen?
(a) Playing cards.
(b) Organizing a search party.
(c) Preparing for their trip to Mexico.
(d) Talking to the police.

10. Where was the narrator NOT taken after his beating?
(a) Lionel Jones' cellar.
(b) The hospital.
(c) The police station.
(d) Abraham Epstein's apartment.

11. What does the patrolman tell the narrator that chemicals had caused a woman living nearby to do?
(a) Intentionally ram her car into someone else's.
(b) Set her apartment on fire.
(c) Kill her own baby.
(d) Kill her husband.

12. To the narrator, the imaginary lines of international borders are as unreal as . . .
(a) UFOs and space aliens.
(b) Elves and pixies.
(c) Sasquatch and Yeti.
(d) Elvis and the Beatles.

13. What was unique about Arndt Klopfer's photography?
(a) He is the only German photographer at the time to use color film.
(b) Everyone appears to have a halo.
(c) Everyone looks 10-15 years younger.
(d) The photos appear to have a 3-D effect in certain light.

14. What does the G-man tell George Kraft to be sure to take with him to prison?
(a) A cake with a file in it.
(b) Plenty to read.
(c) His paintbox.
(d) A pen and paper to write his story.

15. What had been the garbage man's profession before coming to America?
(a) Veterinarian.
(b) Attorney.
(c) He had always been a garbage man.
(d) Dentist.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the narrator think his drawing is so popular?

2. After the raid and being released from arrest, with whom does the narrator have a conversation as he is entering his building?

3. What becomes of the rope that was given to the narrator?

4. Which actor does the G-man say should play the role of George Kraft in a movie?

5. Who does the Blue Fairy Godmother say are communist agents?

(see the answer keys)

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