Mother Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mother Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the war, how many years did the narrator live in New York?
(a) Twenty-five.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Seven.
(d) One.

2. What does the narrator do with his broom?
(a) Gives it to his neighbor's daughter who wanted to dress as a witch for Halloween.
(b) Hits an attacker over the head with it.
(c) Offers to sweep the hallways of his building in exchange for rent.
(d) Carves the handle with his wood-carving set.

3. What is one thing that Heinz was willing to do for his motorcycle that he was not willing to do for his wife?
(a) Give up smoking.
(b) Stand in front of an advancing tank.
(c) Spend entire weekends together.
(d) Buy expensive accessories.

4. Arpad Kovacs despises Jews who did not do what?
(a) Escape from Europe when they had the chance.
(b) Convert to Christianity.
(c) Fight back.
(d) Help settle the new nation of Israel.

5. What is the "Last Full Measure" to which the narrator refers?
(a) The last train full of Jewish prisoners to arrive at Auschwitz.
(b) A musical measure in an opera written in honor of Paul Joseph Goebbels.
(c) The last time the crematories at Auschwitz were emptied of bodies before Allied forces freed the camp.
(d) The working title of a play commemorating the German soldiers who died putting down the Jewish uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto.

6. Which country did Robert, the limousine driver, support during the war?
(a) Italy.
(b) England.
(c) Germany.
(d) Japan.

7. Which of the following is NOT a symbol that the narrator had drawn in the dust of his windowpanes:
(a) The Stars and Stripes.
(b) A cross.
(c) A swastika.
(d) A hammer and sickle.

8. How many brothers and sisters does the narrator have?
(a) None.
(b) One twin brother who died as an infant.
(c) No brothers and seven older sisters.
(d) One brother and two sisters.

9. Where does Helga get the money to be able to reunite with the narrator?
(a) A bounty hunter looking for the narrator.
(b) Donations from the narrator's supporters.
(c) A life insurance settlement from her deceased parents.
(d) Lottery winnings.

10. Why was Lionel Jones kicked out of dental school?
(a) Because he plagiarized his dissertation.
(b) On suspicion that he deliberately over-anesthetized a Jewish patient, causing her severe brain damage.
(c) Because he used a racial slur against the dean.
(d) Because of scholastic failure and weapons found under his mattress.

11. Andor Gutman explains that "Sonderkommando" means "special detail." What horrific "special detail" did Andor Gutman say members of the Sonderkommando had to perform?
(a) Condemn persons into the gas chambers and then remove their dead bodies.
(b) Ensure that Jewish children removed all their clothing before entering the gas chamber.
(c) Extract gold teeth from dead prisoners.
(d) Check the cesspools of the latrines to make sure no prisoners were hiding there.

12. How did the narrator say he ended up in Germany?
(a) His father was transferred there because of work.
(b) He was working as a war correspondent for the New York Times.
(c) His German wife missed her family and was homesick.
(d) He went there on a college work-study program.

13. What is the war crime that Howard Campbell stands accused of?
(a) Delivering orders of Cyklon-B to the death camps.
(b) Mistreating Allied POWs at a prison camp.
(c) Promoting Nazi propaganda.
(d) Spying on America.

14. Where does the narrator say he met Rudolf Hoess?
(a) On a train to Warsaw.
(b) At a New Year's Eve party.
(c) In the prison exercise yard.
(d) In a bar in Berlin.

15. How old is Resi Noth when the narrator leaves for the front lines?
(a) 45 years old.
(b) 21 years old.
(c) A newborn infant.
(d) 10 years old.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the narrator lose Helga?

2. Friedmann is the director of what?

3. Why do Resi's dog and Mrs. Noth have "fat" bellies?

4. How does the narrator get money to live on while hiding in New York?

5. Bernard Mengel, who guards the narrator at night, tells the narrator he does what in his sleep?

(see the answer keys)

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