Mostly Harmless Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Mostly Harmless Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What number does the computer's big mental block seem to have something to do with?
(a) 42.
(b) 38.
(c) 21.
(d) 13.

2. What does King Antwelm assume?
(a) People want to be happy.
(b) Most important people are wealthy.
(c) People are naturally prone to violence.
(d) Money can buy happiness.

3. Where does Tricia plan to go in the evening?
(a) Harrod's.
(b) Stavro's.
(c) Nowhere.
(d) The pub on the corner.

4. What noise does the computer on the Grebulon ship think it should get in response to the click?
(a) A clack.
(b) A sigh.
(c) A snap.
(d) A cough.

5. Who does most of the editing at the Hitch Hiker's Guide?
(a) The janitors.
(b) The assistant editors.
(c) The computers.
(d) The secretaries.

6. What does the bellhop say the boghog was trying to do?
(a) Find a mate.
(b) Get food.
(c) Be friendly.
(d) Protect its territory.

7. What is the name of the company that has bought the Guide?
(a) ExtraLence Securities.
(b) InfiniDim Enterprises.
(c) UniViolet Corporation.
(d) MegaGlom Limited.

8. What do the aliens enjoy monitoring?
(a) The Marx brothers.
(b) Game shows.
(c) Action movies.
(d) Talk shows.

9. What does Ford decide to do, after discovering the editor's office full of armed men?
(a) Jump out the window.
(b) Take a hostage.
(c) Give himself up.
(d) Pretend to pull a gun.

10. What club did Tricia go to in New York that she wants to tell someone about?
(a) Theta.
(b) Alpha.
(c) Beta.
(d) Omega.

11. What does the rocket fired at Ford hit as he hovers in the air?
(a) His shoe.
(b) A balloon.
(c) A window.
(d) A security robot.

12. The old lady in the cave wants Arthur's help with __________.
(a) A blocked chimney.
(b) A photocopier.
(c) A motorcycle.
(d) A washing machine.

13. What does Arthur hope for as he sets out to travel throughout the universe?
(a) He doesn't know.
(b) Another accident.
(c) Finding a person like him.
(d) Finding a cup of tea.

14. What flavor of ice cream has abnormally low sales in this changed Earth?
(a) Mint chocolate-chip.
(b) Rocky road.
(c) Blueberry.
(d) Pecan.

15. What color are the aliens, in the light of Tricia's house?
(a) Purplish green.
(b) Greenish black.
(c) Orangish red.
(d) Yellowish orange.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the old lady do with the food she's been cooking over a fire?

2. After what type of animal does Ford name the security robot?

3. What comment does Arthur make to the people of his new planet that they don't understand?

4. What is Tricia fixing herself when she goes outside to see what the strange lights are?

5. Where do the aliens say they live?

(see the answer keys)

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