Morality Play Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Morality Play Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is noticed about the body of the Monk?
(a) bruises on the wrist.
(b) bruises on the body.
(c) head smashed.
(d) knife in body.

2. What alerted the players to the beginning of the jousting tourney?
(a) the guard told them.
(b) they saw the horses.
(c) a blast of trupmpets.
(d) voices in the courtyard.

3. What does Nicholas tell Lambert when he says he is a player?
(a) the people of the town are interested.
(b) the truth can be made known in a play about the murder.
(c) the King's Justice wants more information.
(d) the players don't believe the Monk's story.

4. The play is ended by:
(a) Margaret screaming.
(b) Lord de Guise's men surrounding the players.
(c) Tobias fleeing from the stage.
(d) Martin being killed.

5. How was the strangling of Thomas Wells portrayed:
(a) very realistically.
(b) in dumb stage.
(c) verbally.
(d) it was only alluded to.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lambert tells Nicholas that:

2. The Justice, his men and Nicholas ride to:

3. Nicholas represents himself to John Lambert as:

4. What does Lambert say about his daughter:

5. Why does Lambert say he is hated:

Short Essay Questions

1. What does examining the body of Thomas Wells reveal?

2. What does Nicholas explain about the Play of Thomas Wells?

3. How did the players think they would deal with Lord de Guise?

4. What do the players do when the steward takes them to Lord de Guise's chamber?

5. What happens in the show when Thomas Wells was portrayed as following the woman to her house?

6. What information does Stephen learn?

7. What happens before the conclusion of the performance?

8. How do the players perform the play?

9. Why does Nicholas misrepresent himself as a representative of the King's Justice?

10. What do they learn about Lord de Guise?

(see the answer keys)

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