Morality for Beautiful Girls Test | Final Test - Easy

Alexander McCall Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Morality for Beautiful Girls Test | Final Test - Easy

Alexander McCall Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of bull is all talk?
(a) One that has bad shoulders.
(b) One that does not make many calves.
(c) One that does not fight other bulls.
(d) One that does not know how to walk.

2. What language does Mma Potokwane use with Mataila?
(a) Setswana.
(b) Mosarwa.
(c) San.
(d) Swahili.

3. Why is Mma Ramotswe surprised that the cook left Gaborone?
(a) There is more work for a cook there.
(b) He would of had access to better cooking utensils there.
(c) He would have been better fed there.
(d) He would have been paid more there.

4. What does Mma Ramotswe give the Bushman?
(a) Her flask of tea.
(b) Cooked rodents.
(c) Tubers.
(d) Egg sandwiches.

5. What does drought mean?
(a) Fat pigs.
(b) Full stomachs.
(c) Ripe crops.
(d) Thin cattle.

6. What is Mma Potokwane's weapon?
(a) A shotgun.
(b) A hunting rifle.
(c) A fly squatter.
(d) A fan.

7. What habit was picked up from colonial administrators?
(a) Poisoning.
(b) Morning breakfast.
(c) Democracy.
(d) Whitewashing,

8. What can't people in town usually afford?
(a) The eggs of birds.
(b) Grubs.
(c) Duiker.
(d) Roots from the ground.

9. What is pinned up on Mma Kerileng's notice board?
(a) Old family photographs.
(b) Traditional Botswana artwork.
(c) Pictures drawn by the children.
(d) A shopping list.

10. What is the boy named Mataila?
(a) Mataila means orphan in Botswana.
(b) It is the name of his father.
(c) It is the name of his mother.
(d) The boy does not know his name.

11. Why was Mma Ramotswe frightened of the Bushman?
(a) They carry obscure medicines.
(b) They are very slow.
(c) They carry arrows.
(d) They are twice her size.

12. What is always going wrong at the orphan farm?
(a) The bathroom plumbing.
(b) Machinery.
(c) The orphans running away.
(d) The gas stove.

13. What does Mma Ramotswe first see in Mataila's eyes?
(a) Vacancy.
(b) Excitement.
(c) Fear.
(d) Surprise.

14. Why does Mma Ramotswe like farms?
(a) They remind her of the true values of her people.
(b) They remind her of her husband.
(c) They remind her of her father.
(d) They remind her of her adulthood.

15. What was the first job Samuel found in Gaborone?
(a) Cook.
(b) Construction worker.
(c) Fisherman.
(d) Bellboy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do chefs wear in Gaborone?

2. Why does Mma Ramotswe not care about calories?

3. What could Samuel remember as a boy?

4. What is a poisoner usually like?

5. Who is the one Mma Ramotswe should watch?

(see the answer keys)

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