Morality for Beautiful Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alexander McCall Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Morality for Beautiful Girls Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alexander McCall Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mma Ramotswe like to approach a new client's problem?
(a) Let the client bring it up indirectly.
(b) Ask what the problem is straight away.
(c) Write a letter to the client after the first meeting.
(d) Let Mma Makutsi deal with the client.

2. What is the best test of a prospective husband?
(a) Asking what your father would think of him.
(b) Asking him what his intentions are.
(c) Asking what your mother would think of him.
(d) Asking him how many times he has been married.

3. What is an advantage of having a treadle sewing machine?
(a) It works without electricity.
(b) It requires less effort.
(c) It looks more adorable.
(d) It goes silent in a power cut.

4. What does a successful woman have to be careful of?
(a) A gold digging man.
(b) Spoilt children.
(c) Thieves.
(d) The tax man.

5. Who does Mma Maketetse employ in her factory?
(a) Her cousins.
(b) Schoolboys.
(c) Cheap labor from Gaborone.
(d) Her aunties and uncles.

6. Why does Mma Ramotswe think that women actually do not talk so much?
(a) There is no difference between them and men.
(b) Women prefer action.
(c) They have less to talk about.
(d) They are too busy to talk.

7. Where does Mma Maketetse export her goods?
(a) Kenya.
(b) Botswana.
(c) Namibia.
(d) The Cape.

8. Where does JLB Matekoni want to do?
(a) Go back to his village.
(b) Sell his business.
(c) Move to America.
(d) Move to Britain.

9. What is it hard to persuade young people about?
(a) The need to eat vegetables.
(b) The need to work.
(c) The importance of marriage.
(d) How to hand things on a plate.

10. What does JLB Matekoni ask Mma about first on the phone?
(a) What the time is.
(b) How she has slept.
(c) If she misses him.
(d) If she has a headache.

11. Who saved the Governmant Man's life?
(a) The Basarwa.
(b) His youngest brother.
(c) His father.
(d) His mentally ill cousin.

12. Who is running the garage at the moment?
(a) Bishop Makhulu.
(b) Mma Makutsi.
(c) The British High Commissioner.
(d) Mma Ramotswe.

13. What is bush tea good for?
(a) Brushing your teeth.
(b) Worries.
(c) Watering plants.
(d) Relieving social tension.

14. What is good for a marriage?
(a) A priest's blessing.
(b) Love and devotion.
(c) Commitment and loyalty.
(d) Independent interests.

15. What was the most immediate decision made regarding the impending marriage?
(a) Where to live.
(b) Where to divorce.
(c) Where to honeymoon.
(d) Where to eat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does JLB Matekoni do when a person is dissatisfied by his work?

2. Where is there just a whole lot of rocks?

3. What does Mma Ramotswe think about Mercedes-Benz?

4. What do wives and girlfriends of murderers do?

5. What do the people think Mma Ramotswe and J.LB. Matekoni will be happy doing together?

(see the answer keys)

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