The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Moor's Last Sigh Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Moraes left a trail of written narratives?
(a) in cemeteries from India to Spain
(b) in letters to a promanent journalist
(c) nailed to gates, fences, and trees along his way
(d) in safe deposit vaults of several banks

2. How does Moraes say Lambajan lost his leg?
(a) Aurora's driver ran over him
(b) a shark got him swimming in the ocean
(c) it was shot off in the war
(d) Aurora ran over it in her Buick

3. What was like the largest, hottest dish of curry ever cooked?
(a) the arguments between families
(b) the heatwave that killed the crops
(c) the fire at Spice Mountains
(d) the anger of Epifania

4. What changes Camoens from Gandhi to Nehru?
(a) Nehru's simple dress in a white sheet
(b) Nehru's time spent in prison
(c) business, technology, progress, and modernity
(d) British acceptance of Gandhi

5. What foils the plan to take over the family business?
(a) Canoens gives the business to Leninists
(b) the brothers file a lawsuit
(c) the British take over the spice business
(d) the only grandchild is a girl, Aurora

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when distant relatives are invited to stay at the da Gama houses?

2. What does Moraes say about breathing?

3. To what does Moraes compare his resting place in the cemetery?

4. What angers Aires by their disappearance?

5. What does Aurora do locked in her room, allowing no one to enter?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Vasco Miranda come into the lives of the Zogoiby family?

2. Why does Moor lament his life as he continues with his history of the family?

3. How does Moor's rapid maturity physically create a problem in his life?

4. How is Abraham finally successful?

5. Why does Moor have trouble getting to Vasco Miranda in Andalusia?

6. After gaining entry into Vasco's house, what prevents Miranda from killing Moor?

7. Detail the demise of Abraham's mother.

8. Debunking his father's family history, what does Moor suggest about his late grandmother, Flory.

9. How does Aurora manage to upset the Hindu-Muslim population of India?

10. In the office, what happens to the young 15-year-old heiress?

(see the answer keys)

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