Moonraker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the announcer sees Drax and his crew head out to sea in a submarine, what does he assume?
(a) They are trying to escape.
(b) They are going to see the rocket's destination point.
(c) They must know something that others don't.
(d) They are demonstrating Drax's next project.

2. What does Bond break into in his room?
(a) A closet.
(b) A strongbox.
(c) A safe.
(d) A filing cabinet.

3. When Bond sees Drax's car at Blades after he speaks to Vallance, what does he do?
(a) Goes into Blades to confront Drax.
(b) Calls the local police.
(c) Installs a homing device on Drax's car.
(d) Follows the car to a house near Buckingham Palace.

4. What does Bond say the smoke he saw before the rock slide came from?
(a) Mining equipment used in a quarry.
(b) Dynamite in the cliff face.
(c) Moonraker.
(d) Dust from the collapsing rock.

5. To whom has Drax never seen Krebs speak?
(a) Bond.
(b) Law enforcement officials.
(c) The German men.
(d) Gala Brand.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the Drax family business?

2. What do Drax, Bond, and Gala Brand discuss in Drax's office after Brand tells Bond that Drax wants to see him?

3. Although Bond agrees to go where Drax assigns him and Gala Brand, where does Bond actually go?

4. Who does Bond receive a telegram from after dealing with the person searching his room?

5. How does Krebs refer to Drax as Gala Brand secretly listens?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Bond receives a telegram from Vallance at Scotland Yard, what are his thoughts?

2. Why is Bond angry with himself as he drives towards the Moonraker facility after realizing Brand is not meeting him for dinner?

3. How are the people of England misled by Drax's speech on the radio, just before the launch of Moonraker?

4. When Bond and Brand return to Drax's house after the rockslide on the beach, why is it significant that they see only three places set at the table for dinner?

5. How has Krebs, Drax's assistant, become a suspicious character in the story?

6. What does Bond find strange about the information he reads in the files of the employees at the Moonraker facility?

7. When Krebs regains consciousness after Bond finds him and knocks him out while he is searching Bond's room, what does he say when Bond questions him?

8. What happens to Brand when Krebs accuses her of being a spy while they are traveling to London?

9. What happens when Drax's company sells the British pound short?

10. What do Bond and Drax plan to do about Krebs' access to Moonraker?

(see the answer keys)

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