Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bond use to release Gala Brand's bindings as they are tied to chairs in Drax's office?
(a) A knife.
(b) A bunsen burner.
(c) A cigarette lighter.
(d) A blowtorch.

2. Where does Drax say Krebs will be when the Moonraker site is closed the day that Bond makes his recommendation to Drax about Krebs and Moonraker?
(a) Assisting with Moonraker maintenance.
(b) Confined to his quarters.
(c) In London.
(d) Taking notes in the television van.

3. What is in the notebook that Gala Brand steals from Drax's coat pocket as they travel to London?
(a) Diagrams of Moonraker.
(b) A list of names.
(c) Coordinates for the rocket launch.
(d) Plans to kill Bond and Gala Brand.

4. What was the Drax family business?
(a) The military.
(b) Money lenders.
(c) Mining columbite.
(d) Making steel for aircraft.

5. What does Bond see Krebs carry into Drax's car?
(a) Two suitcases.
(b) A remote control device.
(c) A bedspread.
(d) A carpet.

6. Where do Bond and Gala Brand hide as they wait to implement Brand's plan for Moonraker?
(a) A shower in the adjoining bathroom.
(b) A closet in Drax's office.
(c) A ventilation shaft.
(d) Beneath the cliff under Moonraker.

7. Who does Bond think may have heard Tallon when Tallon opened the window in his bedroom?
(a) Krebs.
(b) Drax.
(c) Dr. Walter.
(d) Egon Bartsh.

8. According to the telegram, from what location did Tallon make his last phone call to Scotland Yard?
(a) The security office at the Moonraker facility.
(b) The bar where he was murdered.
(c) Drax's house.
(d) The local police station.

9. What does Bond take from the person he finds searching his room?
(a) Identification badge.
(b) Gun.
(c) Keys.
(d) Wallet.

10. After M and Vallance tell Bond they can't stop the Moonraker launch, who do they say needs to take care of the situation?
(a) Gala Brand.
(b) The Prime Minister.
(c) Bond.
(d) The military.

11. What does Bond think about Drax buying a German car?
(a) Typical.
(b) Revealing.
(c) Treacherous.
(d) Odd.

12. What happens to Drax's submarine when Moonraker comes down?
(a) It disappears beneath the waves.
(b) It is thrown out of the water.
(c) Nothing.
(d) It floats upside down on the surface of the water.

13. Who previously used the room Bond is using in Drax's house?
(a) Willy Krebs.
(b) Professor Train.
(c) Major Tallon.
(d) Egon Bartsh.

14. Who does Bond receive a telegram from after dealing with the person searching his room?
(a) His secretary.
(b) Vallance.
(c) M.
(d) The Prime Minister.

15. What do Bond and Gala Brand plan to do together the day she travels to London with Drax?
(a) Search Drax's house.
(b) Sabotage Moonraker.
(c) Walk on the beach.
(d) Have dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Bond go the morning after he reads the employees' files?

2. What are Krebs and Drax doing when Gala Brand awakens tied to a chair in a room full of strange machines?

3. Who does Bond plan to spend his all-expenses-paid vacation with?

4. Aside from Drax and Krebs, who is dining at Drax's house when Bond and Gala Brand walk in?

5. After Bond clears the rock from him and Gala Brand, what does Bond fear caused the rock slide?

(see the answer keys)

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