Moonraker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonraker Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the man who killed Tallon shout before killing himself?
(a) "Sturm und Drang!"
(b) "Heil Hitler!"
(c) "Sig Heil!"
(d) "Auf Wiedersehen!"

2. What does Gala Brand report regarding the activity at the Moonraker facility?
(a) She reports that Drax disappears for days, sometimes weeks.
(b) She hasn't seen anything suspicious.
(c) She reports that several truckloads of parts have mysteriously vanished.
(d) She has seen men she does not recognize sneaking around the facility late at night.

3. What is Gala Brand's reaction when she is told that the man who kills Tallon also claimed to be in love with her?
(a) She had no relationship with either man.
(b) She had a relationship with Tallon.
(c) She had a relationship with the man who killed Tallon.
(d) She had relationships with both men.

4. Who gives M permission to send Bond to work at the Moonraker facility as the new security officer?
(a) The Royal Air Force.
(b) Scotland Yard.
(c) The Prime Minister.
(d) The head of Moonraker security.

5. What is James Bond's job when not on assignment?
(a) Office worker.
(b) Chauffeur.
(c) Golf professional.
(d) Shooting instructor.

6. What does James Bond do when he gets to his desk after conversing with his secretary?
(a) Returns phone calls.
(b) Takes a nap.
(c) Cleans his revolver.
(d) Paperwork.

7. What is M's demeanor during his meeting with James Bond?
(a) He seems depressed.
(b) He seems overwhelmed.
(c) He seems embarrassed.
(d) He seems angry.

8. Who does Drax compare Moonraker to when he says that launching Moonraker will be like committing murder?
(a) His child.
(b) His mother.
(c) His brother.
(d) His best friend.

9. What does James Bond notice about Drax's behavior while he observes Drax playing cards?
(a) Drax behaves politely.
(b) Drax behaves rudely.
(c) Drax behaves cautiously.
(d) Drax behaves recklessly.

10. What is Bond's condition when he arrives at his office the morning after his card game with Drax?
(a) He has a clear head.
(b) He is depressed.
(c) He feels terrible.
(d) He is anxious.

11. What is the profession of the person with whom Drax regularly plays cards?
(a) The chairman of the gambling club.
(b) A plastic surgeon.
(c) A banker.
(d) A metal broker.

12. What do the engineers introduced to Bond do when Drax walks away?
(a) They chat with Bond.
(b) They follow Drax.
(c) They walk away from Drax and Bond.
(d) They stand awkwardly in silence next to Bond.

13. Why does M choose James Bond to play cards with Drax?
(a) Bond is the best card player in the service.
(b) Bond has a vendetta to settle with Drax.
(c) Bond will not publicly reveal Drax's cheating.
(d) Bond and Drax have never met.

14. What does Drax notice about Bond when Bond wants to end the card game?
(a) He thinks Bond is drunk.
(b) He thinks Bond looks tired.
(c) He thinks Bond looks overconfident.
(d) He thinks Bond looks nervous.

15. How does M know Hugo Drax?
(a) Drax and M belong to the same golf club.
(b) Drax is M's brother-in-law.
(c) Drax and M belong to the same gambling club.
(d) Drax and M were college roommates.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Hugo Drax start his business?

2. What does Bond want to do when he is ready to end the card game with Drax?

3. Why does Bond think he will not live past the age of 45?

4. What does Commissioner Vallance want Bond to do regarding Gala Brand?

5. What does Professor Train tell Bond makes Moonraker possible?

(see the answer keys)

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