Moonflower Murders Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonflower Murders Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Eloise?
(a) Susan's sister.
(b) Aiden MacNeil's mother.
(c) The MacNeils' nanny.
(d) The night manager of the Trehornes' hotel.

2. What irony does Susan note at the beginning of "Craig Andrews (Dinner)"?
(a) Craig looks like Andreas, but she is not attracted to him.
(b) It will be her third meeting over a meal that day--but she has not yet eaten anything.
(c) She still has not told Andreas about staying at Craig Andrews' house.
(d) She cannot find a job in publishing, but a writer is still interested in her.

3. Where were Conway and Taylor when Parris was killed?
(a) Suffolk.
(b) London.
(c) Tuscany.
(d) Antigua.

4. In her interview with Conway, what does Cecily say was strange about the way Parris ended his first conversation with her?
(a) He kissed her.
(b) He called her "Lisa" when he said goodbye.
(c) He abruptly stopped talking and walked away.
(d) He said goodbye to Aiden but not to her.

5. Which is the best description of Eloise's attitude toward Susan?
(a) Cheerfully frank.
(b) Tactful and reserved.
(c) Openly hostile.
(d) Anxious and evasive.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Contacts," what does Susan write to James Taylor to find out?

2. What assurance does Conway repeatedly give people on his interview tapes?

3. Why does Susan ask about Roxana's exact age?

4. Where does Susan know Richard Locke from?

5. How did Conway get Aiden to tell him about Frank Parris?

Short Essay Questions

1. What conflicting attitudes does Lisa Trehorne seem to hold about Cecily and her disappearance?

2. Why does Susan go to Framlingham, and why does it feel strange to her to be back there?

3. What causes Susan to think that there is something her sister is keeping from her?

4. How do Martin and Joanne Williams behave when Susan interviews them, and what impression does she take away from the encounter?

5. In "The Night Manager," what does Susan point out about the maintenance storage room, and how does Lawrence Treherne respond?

6. Whe Susan has breakfast with him, what claims does Lionel Corby make about Lisa Treherne?

7. In "Nightcaps," when Aiden expresses irritation over Conway's portrayal of him, what does Susan share with him to console him?

8. At dinner with Craig Andrews, what two theories does Susan share that, if true, would mean that Frank Parris was a random--or nearly random--victim?

9. How did Susan Ryeland end up running the Polydorus?

10. In "Lawrence Treherne," what significant new facts does Susan learn from Lawrence's explanation of how Cecily and Aiden met?

(see the answer keys)

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