Moonflower Murders Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonflower Murders Test | Final Test - Easy

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What anomaly first tipped Pünd off that he was not corresponding with the real Edgar Schultz?
(a) The sum of money the man offered him.
(b) A mark of punctuation.
(c) A spelling error.
(d) The man's lack of knowledge about New York.

2. What is Nancy Mitchell's father's job?
(a) Real estate developer.
(b) Police sergeant.
(c) Lighthouse keeper.
(d) Landlord of the Red Lion.

3. When Susan arrives at Heath House in "Back to Westleton," what is Martin holding?
(a) A dagger.
(b) A copy of Conway's book.
(c) A dog leash.
(d) A hammer.

4. When Hare and Pünd are preparing to question Algernon, whom does Algernon tell them probably has "quite a few things to tell you" (Atticus Pünd 181)?
(a) The Gardners.
(b) Samantha.
(c) Leonard.
(d) The Chandlers.

5. During her conversation with Eloise, where does Susan find out that Eloise used to work?
(a) Sundowner.
(b) McCann-Erickson.
(c) HMP Weyland.
(d) Cloverleaf Books.

6. When Susan steps outside of the hotel to check on her car, who tries to warn her about the falling owl statue?
(a) Lars.
(b) Aiden.
(c) Lisa.
(d) Melissa.

7. In "Crime and Punishment," who contacts Atticus Pünd about investigating the Melissa James case?
(a) A fan.
(b) Her agent.
(c) Her family.
(d) The police.

8. What is Hare's reaction to Francis's death?
(a) He is more determined than ever to catch the killer.
(b) He feels responsible.
(c) He is frightened and overwhelmed.
(d) He blames Pünd.

9. What does Melissa tell Algernon that throws him into a panic?
(a) She is expecting a baby.
(b) She is divorcing Francis.
(c) She wants to sell her investment shares.
(d) She suspects the Gardners of theft.

10. By the end of the novel, why does Pünd feel responsible for Francis's death?
(a) He was distracted during the investigation by thinking about the book he is writing.
(b) He should not have allowed Francis to be alone with Miss Cain.
(c) He should have investigated Miss Cain's background before hiring her.
(d) He was not fast enough to identify Melissa's real killer.

11. Who owns Sun Trap Holdings?
(a) Melissa.
(b) Simon Cox.
(c) Algernon.
(d) Francis's father.

12. In "Eleven: Darkness Falls," what conclusion does Atticus Pünd come to about the case?
(a) He should not have taken it on.
(b) He knows who the murderer is.
(c) He will never solve it.
(d) He should not be working so closely with Hare.

13. On page 235, Susan mentions a "nom de plume." Which type of person is likely to have a non de plume?
(a) A banker.
(b) A lawyer.
(c) A writer.
(d) A real estate broker.

14. When Susan investigates the "Wilcox" that Khan mentioned, who does the man turn out to be?
(a) A divorce lawyer.
(b) A family therapist.
(c) A real estate broker.
(d) A film agent.

15. Cox tells the detectives he overheard an argument at Clarence Keep. What was the argument about?
(a) A letter that Francis Pendleton had found.
(b) Eric Chandler's failure to find an appropriate girlfriend.
(c) Something about the Moonflower being crooked.
(d) Melissa's relationship with Algernon.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do Hare and Pünd find out was the mysterious person peeking into Clarence Keep when Francis was killed?

2. What is the name of Atticus Pünd's secretary?

3. To whom is Atticus Pünd Takes the Case dedicated?

4. Which person associated with the Parris case does Susan believe the character of Francis Pendleton was based on?

5. In "Thirteen: Post-Mortem," where does Eric say he will be staying?

(see the answer keys)

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