Moonflower Murders Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moonflower Murders Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Anthony Horowitz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 237 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 8: "The Book" through "The Owl".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Susan's discussion of her intentions regarding her old car imply?
(a) She is uncertain about whether she will return to Greece.
(b) Driving in London is almost intolerable after spending time in Greece.
(c) London is really the only part of England that she enjoys.
(d) She might sell the car to pay for some of the repairs to her hotel.

2. In the hospital, whom does Nancy Mitchell confirm is her baby's father?
(a) Leonard.
(b) Lance.
(c) Eric.
(d) Francis.

3. What assurance does Conway repeatedly give people on his interview tapes?
(a) He says that he will let them read the book before it is published.
(b) He tells them that he is not recording the conversation.
(c) He tells them that he is trying to clear Codrescu's name.
(d) He says that he will not write about the hotel.

4. Where do Leonard and Samantha go when they tell Algernon that they are going to see a play?
(a) To speak privately with Pünd.
(b) To hire a private investigator.
(c) To meet with lawyers.
(d) To rent a flat in London.

5. Which is the best description of Eloise's attitude toward Susan?
(a) Tactful and reserved.
(b) Anxious and evasive.
(c) Cheerfully frank.
(d) Openly hostile.

Short Answer Questions

1. On page 168, what does Susan say that Craig has "hundreds of"?

2. Who is Eloise?

3. What is implied about why Algernon's aunt disinherited him?

4. What surprises Susan about her nephew Jack?

5. Where are the Collins children when Pünd visits the Collins home?

(see the answer key)

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