Moon Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Moon Tiger Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who lives with Harry?
(a) Lisa and one son, one daugher.
(b) Lisa and their two sons.
(c) Lisa, Claudia and Jasper.
(d) Lisa and their daughters.

2. What bothers Claudia about Sylvia in Chapter 3?
(a) Sylvia gets to sleep with Gordon.
(b) Sylvia seems content to be a mere housewife.
(c) The perfume she wears.
(d) Sylvia's hairstyle.

3. What is Claudia's one memory of her father?
(a) Him holding her in his arms.
(b) A special Christmas gift he gave her.
(c) Him lifting her on his shoulders.
(d) Sitting on the beach with him.

4. What does Claudia tell the nurse she is writing in Chapter 1?
(a) An autobiography.
(b) A love story.
(c) A biography of a war captain.
(d) A history of the world.

5. Why does Claudia believe the country that plays a large role in her history of the world is worthy of such coverage in her book?
(a) Ancient and current cultures are civilized, cultural, and intelligent.
(b) The government paid her to make it a focal point.
(c) It's the only country she knows.
(d) She's fascinated with it because her father died there.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Claudia chided after help was requested for the wounded at the armored car wreckage?

2. What event follows Lisa's baptism?

3. How old was Claudia when she prayed for God to kill her brother because he could outrun her?

4. What does Lisa call her mother?

5. What animals do Claudia and Tom sympathize with on their visit to the zoo?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Claudia's view of religion?

2. What is unique about Claudia's job in Cairo?

3. Discuss Claudia's thoughts on infants and young children. When was she most interested in her own daughter?

4. In Chapter 2, what stab at Jasper's character does Gordon take and why is it ironic?

5. Discuss Claudia's popularity as a historical author. What makes her writing accounts different from all the others?

6. Give an example from Chapter 6 that shows Claudia's inability to share true emotional intimacy.

7. What does Tom put inside the ring he gives Claudia in Chapter 8?

8. What makes Sylvia uncomfortable about Gordon's relationship with Claudia and how does she handle it?

9. What is the Moon Tiger?

10. What does Claudia believe is the biggest influence of her daughter's life?

(see the answer keys)

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