Moon Tiger Test | Final Test - Easy

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Moon Tiger Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 14, what observation does Claudia make about her body?
(a) It is looking old.
(b) It is feeling tired.
(c) It records events.
(d) It has been through a lot.

2. What causes Claudia to burst into tears on the fifth day of her hospital stay?
(a) She finds out her insurance has lapsed.
(b) Sylvia's harsh comments.
(c) Gordon's arrival.
(d) She learns that she was the cause of the accident.

3. What fascinates Lisa about the place she visits on her eighth birthday?
(a) Monkeys and lions.
(b) Being at the top of the tower.
(c) All the fun games.
(d) The Statue of Liberty.

4. How does Claudia benefit from the trip to Rocqueville?
(a) She gets to spend time with Jasper.
(b) She becomes a newspaper columnist.
(c) She finds her long lost uncle.
(d) She meets people who loan her money to start her own business.

5. What injuries does Claudia suffer from her limo accident?
(a) Brocken sternum and internal injuries.
(b) Broken ribs and internal injuries.
(c) Head trama and broken ribs.
(d) Head trama and internal injuries.

6. What two war-related emotions does Claudia learn that Tom felt near the end of his life?
(a) Excitement and anxiety.
(b) Boredom and horror.
(c) Love and loss.
(d) Grief and mourning.

7. Where does Claudia's limo accident occur?
(a) On the Brooklyn Bridge.
(b) On a movie set.
(c) In downtown Los Angeles.
(d) In Egypt.

8. Who tells Claudia that Tom has been killed?
(a) Tom's sergeant.
(b) Tom's mother.
(c) One of her officer friends.
(d) Tom's brother.

9. Which Egyptian city does Claudia plan to feature in her history book?
(a) Memphis.
(b) London.
(c) Cairo.
(d) Nile.

10. What was the cause of Tom's death, as Claudia learns in Chapter 16?
(a) Inexperienced gunner.
(b) A bad case of malaria.
(c) Leaking oil.
(d) Enemy air attack.

11. What ceases the physical relationship between Claudia and Gordon?
(a) Claudia gets pregnant.
(b) Gordon dumps her for Sylvia.
(c) They get caught.
(d) They lose interest in each other.

12. How does the opportunity given to Claudia by Mr. Hamilton help her career?
(a) Tom's sister finds her because of her connection with the paper.
(b) Her picture is in the paper.
(c) It introduces her to important publishers.
(d) The publicity boosts her book sales.

13. In Chapter 16, what does the reader learn that Claudia publish just a few weeks prior to her birthday?
(a) A children's novel about war.
(b) A love letter to Tom.
(c) An autobiography.
(d) A retrospective essay on the war in Egypt.

14. Who is injured in Claudia's limo accident?
(a) Claudia and an actor.
(b) Claudia and a traffic cop.
(c) Claudia and a taxi driver.
(d) Claudia and a camel.

15. What does the nurse tell Claudia when her miscarriage begins?
(a) That the hospital won't care for her without insurance.
(b) It's false labor pains.
(c) That her baby will be a preemie.
(d) It's for the best since she's not married.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many people are killed in Claudia's limo accident?

2. Who sees the essay and determines she must have been Tom's girlfriend?

3. To whom does Claudia apologize in Chapter 15?

4. What position does the successful book Claudia recalls in Chapter 13 earn her?

5. Why does Jasper get angry with Claudia during their trip to Rocqueville?

(see the answer keys)

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