Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What disease is spreading through the country in 1918?
2. How do people respond to the newspaper contest?
3. What does Shady give to the man from the government who comes to his bar?
4. Who killed Junior?
5. What does Shady say Jinx did after Ned's death?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Ned's job in the military?
2. Why do the people in the town think there might be a traitor amongst them?
3. What are the obstacles to the townspeople buying the property that Devlin wants?
4. How does Abilene know how to understand a telegram?
5. What objection does Abilene make to Miss Sadie's story?
6. How do Jinx and Shady sell their miracle elixir?
7. What happens to Burton after the land auction?
8. What does Ned write in his letter about being wounded?
9. In "The Shadow of Death," what does Abilene realize about her compass?
10. What does Ned hope the people in the town are doing, in his letter home?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss what it means to be an American in the novel.
1) What qualifies someone as an American in the novel? Can immigrants truly be Americans?
2) What meaning does serving in the war have for the characters? Does it make the soldiers more American? Why or why not?
3) How does the Victory Quilt reflect patriotism and identity as an American? What does the rejection of the Hungarian woman's square mean for the town and its definition of who is an American?
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the law and its role in the novel.
1) How does the law affect the people in the town of Manifest? Do the laws do the job they are supposed to for the society?
2) How does the sheriff in Manifest represent the law? Does he do the job he is supposed to do for the society?
3) How does the sheriff who comes looking for Jinx and his uncle represent the law? Does he do the job he is supposed to do for the society?
Essay Topic 3
Abilene is the central character and narrator of "Moon Over Manifest". Discuss Abilene's character.
1) Why does Abilene believe her father will come for her? What is her relationship with her father like?
2) Why does Abilene want to uncover the past? What motivates her?
3) How is Abilene similar to her father, and how is she different from him?
This section contains 747 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |