Moon Over Manifest Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Clare Vanderpool
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moon Over Manifest Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Clare Vanderpool
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Miss Sadie wish Mrs. Larkin's life will be as long as?
(a) The hem of her dress.
(b) The hair on her chin.
(c) The reach of her tongue.
(d) The smoke from her chimney.

2. How does Abilene hope to avoid going to Miss Sadie's again?
(a) By making herself so valuable to Shady that he won't let her go.
(b) By getting in so much trouble with Shady that he won't let her go.
(c) By pretending to have too much homework to do.
(d) By pretending to be sick.

3. What profession does Mr. Delvin's son have?
(a) Writer.
(b) Soldier.
(c) Miner.
(d) Salesman.

4. What is on the shelf behind Shady's bar?
(a) A painted glass.
(b) A stuffed toy.
(c) A photograph.
(d) A single bottle of liquor.

5. What kind of snack do the girls eat with their sandwiches while they are out searching?
(a) Gingersnaps.
(b) Jelly beans.
(c) Lady fingers.
(d) Oatmeal crisps.

Short Answer Questions

1. What food does Ned buy at the fair?

2. What does Jinx do, when he hears a girl's voice?

3. What does Miss Sadie send Abilene to get for her?

4. Who builds Miss Sadie's gate?

5. What kind of map does Abilene find?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where do Ned and Jinx work on their business?

2. What does Jinx offer to trade the boy for his food?

3. What does Abilene think of the story Miss Sadie told her as her fortune?

4. What is the profession of the person Abilene is going to stay with in Manifest?

5. What do Abilene and her friends find in the woods?

6. What does Abilene think of Miss Sadie's yard?

7. What does Shady's Place look like?

8. Where does Abilene decide to put her valuables before going to sleep?

9. What note do Abilene and her friends find?

10. What does Abilene make of the engraving on the item of her father's that she carries?

(see the answer keys)

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