Moon Over Manifest Test | Final Test - Easy

Clare Vanderpool
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moon Over Manifest Test | Final Test - Easy

Clare Vanderpool
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the janitor doing, when the girls see him at the school?
(a) Waxing the floors.
(b) Dusting the offices.
(c) Cleaning the walls.
(d) Washing the windows.

2. What controversial location does Shady suggest for mixing the liquids?
(a) The bathtub in Devlin's house.
(b) The baptismal font at the church.
(c) The fountain in the square.
(d) The town hall drinking fountain.

3. What year does the newspaper contest focus on?
(a) 1918.
(b) 1915.
(c) 1916.
(d) 1917.

4. Who talks to Abilene about the embarrassment of foreign names?
(a) The sheriff.
(b) The butcher.
(c) The post office clerk.
(d) The barber.

5. What mood is Abilene in after talking with Hattie Mae?
(a) A sad mood.
(b) A bad mood.
(c) A sleepy mood.
(d) A happy mood.

6. Who was the traitor who told Burton and Devlin about the miracle elixir?
(a) Mr. Underhill.
(b) Hattie Mae.
(c) Mr. Gillen.
(d) Sister Redempta.

7. Where does Shady pretend to be hiding liquor?
(a) In a tree stump.
(b) In a grave.
(c) Under a floorboard.
(d) In a mine.

8. What does Gideon say about the letters Abilene gives him?
(a) He wants to read them and keep them.
(b) He wants to read through them once before returning them.
(c) He doesn't want to read them or see them.
(d) He wants to destroy them so no one can read them.

9. Where is the hidden compartment where Shady hides Jinx?
(a) In the stockroom.
(b) In the floor.
(c) In the bar.
(d) Behind the bed.

10. What did Stucky Cybulskis write in the senior classroom?
(a) A thesis statement.
(b) A joke.
(c) A quotation.
(d) A poem.

11. What disease is spreading through the country in 1918?
(a) Yellow fever.
(b) Spanish influenza.
(c) Cholera.
(d) Bronchitis.

12. Where does the sheriff say the murderer his brother-in-law is looking for might be?
(a) Living in the mines.
(b) Camping in the woods.
(c) Hiding in the schoolyard.
(d) Hiding in someone's home.

13. Who does Jinx feel is watching him as he prepares for the fair?
(a) Mr. Devlin.
(b) Ned.
(c) The sheriff.
(d) Shady.

14. What is the main message of the telegram Mr. DeVore writes out?
(a) Need money.
(b) Missing you.
(c) Delayed in the city.
(d) Arriving soon.

15. What does everyone in Manifest pretend?
(a) They pretend to be sick.
(b) They pretend an important person is coming to the nearby city.
(c) They pretend there is an accident out of town.
(d) They pretend there is a fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shady give to the man from the government who comes to his bar?

2. Do the townspeople make enough money from their elixir to buy the land they want?

3. Who arrives in town along with Devlin and Burton when they return?

4. What does Ned ask Jinx to do in his letter?

5. How long is Miss Sadie out of the country before she can return to try to reunite with her son?

(see the answer keys)

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