Moon Over Manifest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Clare Vanderpool
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Moon Over Manifest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Clare Vanderpool
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jinx say happened to his father?
(a) He went to jail.
(b) He left.
(c) He died.
(d) He took a job in Europe.

2. After Abilene becomes frightened, who does she run into?
(a) Shady.
(b) Mr. Underhill.
(c) Sister Redempta.
(d) Miss Sadie.

3. What do Lettie and Ruthanne do, when the three girls are at Miss Sadie's gate?
(a) They promise Abilene to wait for her by the gate.
(b) They dare Abilene to steal something from Miss Sadie.
(c) They warn Abilene not to go in.
(d) They tease Abilene about going in.

4. When Jinx first appears in the story, what is he doing?
(a) Jumping from a train.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Walking along a dirt road.
(d) Climbing up a water tower.

5. What sound does Ruthanne's uncle hear in the woods one night?
(a) A banging sound.
(b) A rattling sound.
(c) A booming sound.
(d) A ringing sound.

6. What does Shady give to Abilene when he first sees her?
(a) A card with his name on it.
(b) A photograph of her father.
(c) An object she had dropped.
(d) A newspaper clipping.

7. Where does Abilene go with Lettie and Ruthanne, when they come over?
(a) To the woods.
(b) To the tree house.
(c) To her room.
(d) To the barn.

8. What does Miss Sadie assume when Abilene comes to the house?
(a) That Abilene is trying to sell her something.
(b) That Abilene wants her fortune told.
(c) That Abilene wants information.
(d) That Abilene is trying to steal from her.

9. What is used to make the gate Abilene sees?
(a) Chains and ropes.
(b) Orange crates.
(c) Sticks and twigs tied together.
(d) Forks, kettles, and other household metal goods.

10. How big is the catfish Jinx brings home to Shady?
(a) Ten pounds.
(b) Five pounds.
(c) Twenty pounds.
(d) Fifteen pounds.

11. Who is with Billy Clayton's mother?
(a) Shady.
(b) Sister Redempta.
(c) Miss Sadie.
(d) Mr. Underhill.

12. How much money does Abilene have when she travels to Manifest?
(a) Two dimes.
(b) Two nickels.
(c) Two quarters.
(d) Two pennies.

13. Who sends Abilene and her friends out to search for something?
(a) Shady.
(b) Sister Redempta.
(c) Miss Sadie.
(d) Mr. Underhill.

14. How does Abilene disembark the train to Manifest?
(a) By jumping off as it slows.
(b) By falling off and rolling down a hill.
(c) By sneaking off among the crowds.
(d) By climbing off down a ladder.

15. What does Abilene walk toward after leaving the train?
(a) A small general store.
(b) A field of corn.
(c) A large house.
(d) A grove of trees.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ride does Ned want to go on with Pearl Ann?

2. Why does Mrs. Larkin object to Ned?

3. Does the boy accept Jinx's trade?

4. Who interrupts Abilene while she is reading the letters she's found?

5. Where do the girls go to hunt?

(see the answer keys)

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