A Month in the Country Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Month in the Country Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To which Shakespearean character does Islayev compare himself?
(a) Brutus.
(b) Mercutio.
(c) Macbeth.
(d) Othello.

2. What pain is Islayev suffering at the beginning of Act 5?
(a) Indigestion.
(b) Backache.
(c) A flare-up of his arthritis.
(d) Headache.

3. Who is described in Act 3, Part 3, as "an honest man"?
(a) Shpigelski.
(b) Bolshintsov.
(c) Beliayev.
(d) Islayev.

4. Who finds Natalya and Rakitin talking in Act 4, Part 3?
(a) Schaaf.
(b) Anna.
(c) Kolya.
(d) Islayev.

5. Which character states that she is "despicable in [her] own eyes too"?
(a) Anna.
(b) Katya.
(c) Vera.
(d) Natalya.

6. How much money does Liza have?
(a) 15,000 kopecks.
(b) 20,000 kopecks.
(c) None.
(d) 1 million kopecks.

7. Who turns pale in Act 3, Part 2?
(a) Islayev.
(b) Natalya.
(c) Katya.
(d) Rakitin.

8. What caused Natalya and Beliayev not to be friends previously?
(a) Natalya's aloofness.
(b) Beliayev's childish behavior.
(c) Islayev.
(d) Their difference in socioeconomic class.

9. Which character looks for Vera in Act 4, Part 2?
(a) Katya.
(b) Islayev.
(c) Natalya.
(d) Kolya.

10. After Islayev finds Natalya crying to Rakitin, Natalya states that she and Rakitin are behaving like what?
(a) Lunatics.
(b) Children.
(c) Criminals.
(d) Beggars.

11. In Act 5, Part 1, who communicates by sighing?
(a) Anna.
(b) Natalya.
(c) Matvey.
(d) Islayev.

12. Which character is scared of Natalya?
(a) Liza.
(b) Vera.
(c) Rakitin.
(d) Beliayev.

13. Which character has a flower pinned to his suit in Act 5, Part 1?
(a) Rakitin.
(b) Beliayev.
(c) Islayev.
(d) Matvey.

14. Who first suggests that Beliayev leave?
(a) Kolya.
(b) Rakitin.
(c) Islayev.
(d) Natalya.

15. Which character speaks the line, "How odd that those who love you always want to finger your wounds"?
(a) Schaaf.
(b) Anna.
(c) Matvey.
(d) Islayev.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which character flees when Islayev enters the room in Act 3, Part 3?

2. Who is Katya's uncle?

3. Natalya states that what is sometimes "worse than rudeness"?

4. How does Vera respond to finding out who wants to marry her?

5. For whom is Katya waiting in the beginning of Act 4, Part 1?

(see the answer keys)

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