Montana Sky Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Montana Sky Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the sisters return to the ranch, where are Adam and Ben going?
(a) To go on a calf round-up for Ben's ranch.
(b) To file papers in the city.
(c) To meet with some cow breeders.
(d) To check on the cabin.

2. What surprises Tess at Lily's bridal shower?
(a) That Willa and Lily's mother hit it off so well.
(b) That Lily starts crying.
(c) That Willa and Louella hit it off so well.
(d) That her mother arrives.

3. Why is Adam sorry?
(a) That he was not the one to see the smoke.
(b) That he is not able to kill Jesse himself.
(c) That whoever saved Lily does not stay around.
(d) That Lily's face is so cut up.

4. How does Willa liken the animal heads on the ranch walls to herself?
(a) She feels as though she is one of her father's trophies.
(b) She has endured being shot at.
(c) She is hunted.
(d) She feels silenced.

5. What does Lily tell her sisters?
(a) About her mother and their father.
(b) About how much she loves Adam.
(c) About her child she gives up for adoption.
(d) About Jesse and her.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Tess offer a challenge to Willa indirectly?

2. What does Willa do while in a rage?

3. What does Lily not feel as she is sleeping?

4. What has changed the killer?

5. What does the man standing over Lily wish he could do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lily confess to her sisters at the spa and what did Tess do for Willa?

2. How does the killer feel about Lily's wedding and what does he plan to do?

3. What does Willa say to Tess about the sisters being at the ranch in Chapter 22, and how does Tess respond?

4. Where does Jesse take Lily and what do they do once they are there?

5. What does Willa tell the others about Lily during a dinner party Lily hosts?

6. What does Willa do to her father's office and why does she do it?

7. At the spa, what does Tess say about Ben and why does she say it?

8. What does Willa tease Ben about on the ride after she returns from the spa?

9. Where do Adam and Willa find Jesse's jeep, what does Willa tell him, and what does Lily do about being abducted?

10. What does Tess and Willa fight about in Chapter 18 and what does Tess tell Ben and Ben tell Tess?

(see the answer keys)

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