Montana 1948 Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Larry Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Montana 1948 Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Larry Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is part of the reason Wesley became a sheriff?

2. What does Gail learn concerning Marie's problem?

3. What reservation section does the county include?

4. Why does David feel he needs to please Frank and Gloria?

5. What illness does David have while staying with Frank and Gloria one year?

Short Essay Questions

1. Gail wishes that her family lived where?

2. What does David note about the conversation between Frank and Wesley, which David observes from afar?

3. What do Wesley and Julian first talk about instead of Frank's problems with the law?

4. What does David want to ask his mother when the two are sent outside, and why does he not do so?

5. What happens when David tries to intervene in Gail's questioning of Marie?

6. What does David find Len doing when he goes for pie and how does Len explain himself?

7. What does David hear Marie doing one day? What makes David fearful for Marie?

8. What does David notice about his house when he gets home and Marie is sleeping?

9. What does David think when he sees his grandfather on the porch as they drive up to the house?

10. How does David know Wesley is going to investigate Frank?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

1. Identify the term "theme" as it pertains to a story.

2. Analyze one major theme of Montana 1948. How is the theme represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?

3. Analyze two secondary themes of Montana 1948. How are the themes represented by symbolism? By the characters' behaviors? By the action?

Essay Topic 2

Over the course of Montana 1948, David grows as a person in both complexity and understanding. Montana 1948 might be considered a slice of David's larger story of his "coming of age." It might be said that Montana 1948 is a "bildungsroman" of David Hayden.

1. Define Bildungsroman, or "Coming of Age," and give several examples from literature you have read.

2. Trace and analyze the character of David as he changes from a more carefree, innocent boy to a wiser, young man. What are the significant events that change David?

3. After thoroughly analyzing David's growth throughout Montana 1948, do you think Montana 1948 could be considered David's Coming of Age story? Why or why not?

4. Are there any other characters in Montana 1948 who go through a Coming of Age experience? If so, identify the character and explain their Coming of Age experience.

Essay Topic 3

Often, authors will write about "what they know," and sometimes knowing a little about the author makes the book more interesting.

1. Research the life of Larry Watson, the book's author.

2. What events in Watson's background may have helped him in writing Montana 1948? What may have influenced the way he depicts various characters and scenes?

3. What does the term "author agenda" mean?

4. Name one idea/concept you think may have been a part of Watson's agenda. What textual evidence supports your opinion?

5. Do you think writers who have an agenda for writing should point it out in a preface? Why or why not?

6. How often do you think fiction is written with a clear agenda in mind by the author? Explain your answer with examples.

(see the answer keys)

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