Montana 1948 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Larry Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Montana 1948 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Larry Watson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Upon what does Marie insist when Frank is there?
(a) Frank promising to see her cousin who is also ill.
(b) Frank giving Marie medicine for her niece who is also ill.
(c) Gail giving Frank payment for her treatment.
(d) Gail being in the room when Frank examines her.

2. Where does Gail work?
(a) Courthouse.
(b) Only at home.
(c) With the country doctor.
(d) In the hardware store.

3. What is Dr. Hayden's diagnosis of Marie's illness?
(a) Shingles.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Scarlett fever.
(d) Tuberculosis.

4. Who is Nutty?
(a) A goat at David's grandparents' farm.
(b) David's little sister.
(c) David's horse.
(d) David’s cat.

5. What can Wesley do on the reservation?
(a) Make arrests.
(b) Conduct full investigations.
(c) Ask questions as he has no authority on the reservation.
(d) He is not even allowed on the reservation.

6. What does David think when Marie spends a great deal of time in her room?
(a) She is ill.
(b) He has upset her.
(c) She is tired from caring for him.
(d) She is hiding from her ex-boyfriend.

7. What does David say Ollie Young Bear has managed to escape?
(a) Being a Japanese prisoner of war.
(b) Being a POW in a German camp.
(c) Being a poverty stricken alcoholic.
(d) Being orphaned at a young age.

8. Where does Frank meet Gloria?
(a) On an Indian reservation in South Dakota.
(b) At a rodeo in Idaho.
(c) When Frank is in medical school.
(d) At a county fair in Montana.

9. What does David hear Marie doing one day?
(a) Singing.
(b) Speaking in her native tongue.
(c) Coughing.
(d) Laughing.

10. What does David remember about Gloria caring for him when he was ill?
(a) She tended him carefully.
(b) She was insensitive to him.
(c) She was impatient about his slow recovery.
(d) She ignored him.

11. What illness does David have while staying with Frank and Gloria one year?
(a) Measles.
(b) Scarlet fever.
(c) Chickenpox.
(d) Tonsillitis.

12. What has Ollie Young Bear accomplished that is unusual for an Indian of that era?
(a) Published several books
(b) Graduated from college.
(c) Served in the House of Representatives.
(d) Served in the military.

13. What does Julian say about Frank and the reservation?
(a) Frank is not welcome on the reservation.
(b) Frank probably has fathered some children on the reservation.
(c) Frank should move to the reservation.
(d) Frank refuses to treat residents on the reservation.

14. David lacks the courage to ask his mother about ________________situation.
(a) Ollie's.
(b) Len's.
(c) Frank's.
(d) Julian's.

15. What does Gloria talk about at the dinner table?
(a) Moving back to St. Louis.
(b) Moving to Washington, D. C.
(c) Changing her lifestyle after the war.
(d) Having a baby.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is part of the reason Wesley became a sheriff?

2. Why does David love Marie?

3. With whom was David fishing on a certain Monday?

4. What does Julian say happened when Frank was barely a teenager?

5. Where was Frank just before returning to Brentrock?

(see the answer keys)

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