Monstro Test | Final Test - Medium

Junot Díaz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monstro Test | Final Test - Medium

Junot Díaz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the narrator realize about Alex after spending time with him on the Island?
(a) He was not very smart.
(b) He was not actually rich.
(c) He was even wealthier than he thought.
(d) He was a prince.

2. What are some things Mysty picked on the narrator for when they first met?
(a) He was too American and his Spanish was lousy.
(b) He was poor and his clothes were outdated.
(c) He could not handle his liquor and he didn't smoke.
(d) He could not dance and he did not drink.

3. What would Mysty rather die than admit to having according to the narrator?
(a) A rich family.
(b) A boyfriend.
(c) An affair with Alex.
(d) Plastic surgery.

4. What was Henri Casimir doing which concerned his wife?
(a) Starving himself.
(b) Trying to kill her.
(c) Trying to kill himself.
(d) Roaming around and muttering to himself.

5. Which of Mysty's family members did Alex tell the narrator had raped her?
(a) Her stepfather.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Mysty want to move once she graduated?

2. What type of camera does Alex use?

3. What did Alex think a photograph had the potential to do?

4. What did Mysty say she was more interested in having than a boyfriend?

5. During what time does Casimir consistently wander in the direction of the quarantine zone?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Alex want to go to Haiti once La Negrura hit?

2. What part of Alex's past does the narrator attribute to his playing down his wealth while at Brown?

3. What does the narrator think about Mysty the first time they meet? Why does Mysty pick on the narrator?

4. Why did the narrator think Mysty and Alex may have been more than friends at some point?

5. How do Mysty and the narrator's mother react when he suggests he may take a semester off to stay in the D.R.?

6. What does Alex tell the narrator about Mysty's father? How does the narrator feel about this news?

7. What did Alex do when a farmer in Bani found an unexploded bomb on his farm?

8. Unlike Alex, who wanted to change everyone with his art, what was the narrator's ambition?

9. Where did Mysty dream of moving one day? What did she plan to do there?

10. Why does Alex not see his parents very often?

(see the answer keys)

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