Monster Test | Final Test - Hard

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Monster Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does O'Brien say she will do over the weekend of Saturday, July 11?

2. How is Moore related to Bobo?

3. What is the profession of the first witness Petrocelli calls on Monday, July 13th?

4. Where does Steve see Jerry on Sunday, July 12?

5. What does O'Brien tell Steve about Bobo's testimony the day after Bobo testified?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the medical examiner say Mr. Nesbitt died?

2. What does Steve realize about why there are so many fights in prison after church on Sunday, July 12?

3. What is the visitors' room like?

4. What has O'Brien asked Steve to do when his response is to write down Mr. Sawicki's name twice?

5. Why is Ms. Moore not at work the day King came to see her?

6. Describe the type of music Steve writes in his journal on July 17th that he is going to put on the soundtrack of his film.

7. Why did King visit Ms. Moore on the day of the crime?

8. Who is Eddie, and what is he accused of?

9. When Briggs questions Henry about identifying King, what does she admit about the photographs the police showed her?

10. Why was Lorelle Henry in the pharmacy?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The fact that Steve is African American plays an important role in the way his court case seems to go, as well as in the way he feels about himself. Describe and analyze the role that race plays in this narrative. You may want to include examples from other characters, white and black, to make your case.

Essay Topic 2

Life in prison is a big adjustment for Steve, and has a major impact on the way he feels about himself. Describe the details of prison life that most affect Steve, including specific examples from the text. You should include information and analysis on how prison changes Steve and/or does not change him.

Essay Topic 3

One interpretation of Steve's actions may lay the blame for his involvement with Mr. Nesbitt's murder on peer pressure and his desire to belong. Write an analytical essay defining peer pressure and Steve's desire to fit in, explaining the circumstances under which he allowed himself to be influenced, and the (bad) choices he made. You may, if you like, include whether or not you think that Steve's friends are more responsible for his actions that he himself is.

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