Monster Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Monster Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the exterior shot in the screenplay following the note of Tuesday, July 7, who is the heavy woman accompanying the young men?

2. What is the color of Petrocelli's suit in Chapter 1?

3. According to Osvaldo, how old is he?

4. What does O'Brien say to Steve after Osvaldo's testimony that makes him discouraged?

5. What time of day does Steve say someone in prison might get beaten up for sniffling?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Detective Karyl describe the crime scene at the pharmacy?

2. Why do the charges against Wendell Bolden get dropped?

3. Why do prison officials take away prisoners' shoelaces and your belt?

4. Why does Johnny, the ringleader of the eventual crime, want to rob a pharmacy instead of a bank?

5. What is Steve doing when the police come to arrest him and take him away from home?

6. When does Steve say he feels most involved with his case?

7. In the first journal entry, why does Steve say he does not recognize himself?

8. Describe the kind of movie Steve says it feels as if he has stepped into?

9. In his journal notes for Tuesday, July 7, why does Steve say he needs to keep thinking of the movie?

10. Why does the first shot of the movie (Monday, July 6) feature Steve lying with the blanket over his head?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The time line and time frame of this novel are not chronological, but are told rather in flashbacks. Pick at least three specific examples of flashbacks in this book. With each example, describe and contextualize what came before it and what came after it. In addition, write analytical descriptions of the flashbacks. Be sure to include in your analysis why Myers chose to convey this specific information in flashback structure rather than in chronological order. What does the specific structure of each flashback add to the memory that Myers could not achieve with chronological order?

Essay Topic 2

Life in prison is a big adjustment for Steve, and has a major impact on the way he feels about himself. Describe the details of prison life that most affect Steve, including specific examples from the text. You should include information and analysis on how prison changes Steve and/or does not change him.

Essay Topic 3

Steve and King are very different people on trial for the same crime. Write an essay comparing and contrasting these two characters. Be sure to include both examples and details of what they look like, who they are, how they behave, etc., as well as an analysis of the strategies Walter Dean Myers employed to achieve these two different characters.

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