Monster Test | Final Test - Medium

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Monster Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Steve think his mother is doing when she visits him on Sunday, July 12th?
(a) Planning for his escape.
(b) Crying about his guilt.
(c) Mourning him like he is dead.
(d) Planning for his release.

2. What is the verdict in Sunset's trial?
(a) Mistrial.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Not Guilty.
(d) Unknown.

3. What happened to the object Bobo gave Moore the day he came to visit her?
(a) Bobo took it back.
(b) It was confiscated by police.
(c) Moore gave it to a cousin.
(d) It broke.

4. How is King's verdict communicated to the reader?
(a) With a voice over.
(b) With a newspaper headline.
(c) Through a close-up shot of the foreman.
(d) Guards handcuff him.

5. What is the woman holding in the image reproduced in the Sunday, July 12th section of this book?
(a) A pen.
(b) A gun.
(c) A photograph.
(d) A camera.

Short Answer Questions

1. On Tuesday, July 14, after Bobo's testimony, Steve says he can understand what about the prison guards?

2. Steve describes his fear of getting raped or beaten as what kind of object?

3. To whom is Mr. Nesbitt's gun registered?

4. How is Moore related to Bobo?

5. Which lawyer requests a sidebar when Bobo enters the courtroom to testify?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Sunset's verdict and sentence?

2. How is the visual image of the courtroom just before Steve's verdict is read represented?

3. How do Steve's parents act when they come to visit on Sunday the 12th?

4. What is the visitors' room like?

5. Who owns thel gun used in the crime, and is it a legal gun?

6. What has O'Brien asked Steve to do when his response is to write down Mr. Sawicki's name twice?

7. Why was Lorelle Henry in the pharmacy?

8. What does Henry mean in the pretrial questioning when she says she is having trouble testifying that King was involved in the crime?

9. Describe the type of music Steve writes in his journal on July 17th that he is going to put on the soundtrack of his film.

10. What do the prisoners eat for breakfast on Sunday, July 12?

(see the answer keys)

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