Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

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Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Moore related to Bobo?
(a) She is Bobo's aunt.
(b) She is Bobo's grandmother.
(c) She is Bobo's sister.
(d) They are cousins.

2. Who is the first witness Petrocelli calls on Monday, July 13th?
(a) Bobo.
(b) King.
(c) Steve.
(d) Lorelle Henry.

3. What item or items are found on the floor around Mr. Nesbitt's body?
(a) Bloody gloves.
(b) Food containers.
(c) Pill bottles.
(d) Cartons of cigarettes.

4. On July 17, what kind of decision does Petrocelli say Steve has made?
(a) A bad one.
(b) An ethical one.
(c) An immoral one.
(d) A moral one.

5. What is the verdict in Sunset's trial?
(a) Not Guilty.
(b) Mistrial.
(c) Guilty.
(d) Unknown.

6. On Tuesday, July 14, after Bobo's testimony, what does Steve think to himself about the reason so many of the men there are in jail?
(a) Because they lie to the judge.
(b) Because someone lied to them.
(c) Because they lie to themselves.
(d) Because they lie to each other.

7. How is King's verdict communicated to the reader?
(a) Guards handcuff him.
(b) With a voice over.
(c) With a newspaper headline.
(d) Through a close-up shot of the foreman.

8. When Steve's parents come to visit on Sunday, July 12th, what do they bring news of?
(a) His lawyers.
(b) School.
(c) Distant cousins.
(d) The neighborhood.

9. What is the bad trick O'Brien says Petrocelli is using during the note of Friday, July 10th?
(a) Putting Steve on the stand before a recess.
(b) Putting Bobo on the stand before a recess.
(c) Showing the jury the photographs twice before a recess.
(d) Lying.

10. What does Petrocelli say about Bobo's attire when he comes into the courtroom to testify?
(a) That he wanted to come naked.
(b) That he refused to wear his prison jumpsuit.
(c) That he refused a suit.
(d) That he combed his hair.

11. What is the profession of the first witness Petrocelli calls on Monday, July 13th?
(a) Librarian.
(b) Thug.
(c) Schoolteacher.
(d) Criminal.

12. What, according to Bobo, is a "chrome"?
(a) A gun.
(b) A flashlight.
(c) A search engine.
(d) A money clip.

13. The witness, Nipping, stipulates that Bobo uses predominately which hand?
(a) Neither--Nipping does not answer.
(b) Both--he is ambidextrous.
(c) His left.
(d) His right.

14. Steve describes his fear of getting raped or beaten as what kind of object?
(a) A balloon in his stomach.
(b) A key in his stomach.
(c) A piece of glass in his heart.
(d) A little ball in his stomach.

15. What is the name of the prisoner who gave Detective Williams' partner a call with a tip about Bobo?
(a) Zorzi.
(b) Cinsen.
(c) Zinzi.
(d) Sorrise.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the woman holding in the image reproduced in the Sunday, July 12th section of this book?

2. What does Steve say about the pictures of Mr. Nesbitt?

3. How does O'Brien act when Steve asks her what she is doing over the weekend of Saturday, July 11?

4. During Lorelle Henry's testimony, where does she say she was bringing her granddaughter?

5. According to Lorelle Henry, how many men are in the lineup?

(see the answer keys)

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