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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why is Kody sentenced to solitary confinement in the chapter, "48 Hours?"
2. At the end of the book, who does Kody blame for his decisions?
3. How long is Kody is solitary confinement in the chapter "48 Hours?"
4. In the chapter "Nation Time," what group does Kody begin to distance himself from?
5. What word is NOT found in the Crips chant?
Short Essay Questions
1. At the end of book, why does Kody return to jail?
2. How is the new Crips organization similar to the old one?
3. How does Muhammad continue to influence Kody once he leaves the youth facility?
4. What changes does Kody go through he is transferred to San Quentin State Prison?
5. In the final chapter, what does Kody tell the reader about the choices he has made in his life?
6. How does the New Afrikan Independence Movement begin to change Kody's thinking about gangs?
7. In the chapter, "Nation Time", Kody is released from prison after a long sentence. How is Kody's life different now that he has left the Tray Eights?
8. How has Li'l Monster's story ended differently than Kody's?
9. Who is Walter Brown and how does he affect Kody?
10. How is Kody struggling with his gang life while in the youth facility?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe Kody's relationship with each of the following women: His mother, China, Tamu, and Nurse Eloise. Be sure to explain how his relationship with his mother, Tamu, and China changed throughout the course of the book.
Essay Topic 2
How does Kody's neighborhood affect the choices that he makes? Think about the social, political, and economic climate of inner city Los Angeles. You may want to do some brief research (statistics about socioeconomic issues, poverty levels, crime statistics) to fully understand gang life in L.A. during this time.
Essay Topic 3
How is the African Independence Movement Kody joins towards the end of the book similar to a gang? How is it different? Write a comparative essay that addresses the similarities and differences between the two groups.
This section contains 955 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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