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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. During the drive by at Kody's house in "Can't Stop, Won't Stop", why is he unable to shoot at his rivals?
(a) The safety on the gun is still on.
(b) The rival shoots at Kody before he could shoot first.
(c) He tries to but misses.
(d) His brother shot him first.
2. What does Kody mean when he says that the gang is like a complex military organization?
(a) It is violent.
(b) People have assigned jobs and gang is split into sets.
(c) People are constantly at war.
(d) There is training.
3. Why does Kody lie to the police while he is in the hospital in "The Juvenile Tank?"
(a) He wants to protect his crew.
(b) He enjoys throwing the police off track.
(c) He does not want to be a snitch.
(d) He knows if he told the truth, he will be arrested.
4. In the chapter, "The Juvenile Tank," what does Kody's mother think caused his release from jail?
(a) She believes he escaped.
(b) She believes someone bails him out.
(c) She thinks that he is done serving his time.
(d) She knows the charges are dismissed.
5. What does Kody do when he encounters a rival gang member on the bus?
(a) He denies his gang affiliation.
(b) He pretends to be a member of his gang.
(c) He pulls out a gun and threatens him.
(d) He jumps out the window.
6. What does Kody do after he climbs out his window of his mother's house?
(a) He goes out with his brother to get food.
(b) He never leaves and stays at home.
(c) He goes to find his crew.
(d) He shoots at three rival gang members.
7. What gang is Kody's nurse's son in?
(a) Rollin' Sixties.
(b) It is not stated.
(c) He is not in a gang.
(d) Tray Eights.
8. Why did Kody want to rob the store at that time?
(a) His friend works there and can get him in the store.
(b) It is a holiday time so there would be a lot of money.
(c) There is no security system.
(d) He thinks no one would be watching it.
9. What is Kody doing while Tamu is giving birth to their daughter?
(a) He is on a date with another girlfriend.
(b) He is with gang friends at a party.
(c) He drives into gang territory looking for trouble.
(d) He is in jail.
10. In "The Juvenile Tank," where is Kody shot after a struggle over a gun ensues?
(a) Leg.
(b) Chest.
(c) Back.
(d) Arm.
11. While in the hospital in "Can't Stop, Won't Stop," what does Kody have nightmares about?
(a) He fears getting shot again and damaging his reputation.
(b) He fears getting caught by the police and going to jail.
(c) He has no fear because he is focused on revenge.
(d) He fears his brother will follow in his footsteps and get shot, too.
12. How is Kody injured outside of the store he wants to rob?
(a) He is shot several times.
(b) He runs away but is shot in the arm.
(c) He escapes without a scratch.
(d) He is arrested for assault.
13. When does Kody stand trial for murder?
(a) June, 1981.
(b) June, 1982.
(c) January, 1982.
(d) August, 1981.
14. Why doesn't Twinky fire on the rival gang when they drive past him and his girlfriend?
(a) He recognizes a person in the rival's car and is unable to shoot.
(b) His girlfriend April says not to and that he should just let them pass by.
(c) He is scared that he will get caught and go to prison.
(d) He does not have a gun available.
15. Who calls Kody in the hospital?
(a) Someone who threatens him.
(b) His mother.
(c) His crew.
(d) The nurse's son.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why is Kody arrested after the bike incident?
2. How does Kody react to his mother visiting him in jail?
3. Who is Li'l Hunchy?
4. Why does Kody want to fight these men outside the store he wants to rob?
5. What fellow Tray Eights gang member does Kody see when he returns to jail in the chapter "Can't Stop, Won't Stop?"
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