Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Sanyika Shakur
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Sanyika Shakur
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 48 Hours.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the chapter, "The Juvenile Tank," what does Kody's mother think caused his release from jail?
(a) She believes someone bails him out.
(b) She thinks that he is done serving his time.
(c) She believes he escaped.
(d) She knows the charges are dismissed.

2. On the night that Kody and his crew are searching for a car to steal, who do they come across?
(a) A man washing his van.
(b) Someone they can carjack.
(c) An abandoned car, which they take.
(d) A rival gang member.

3. What is NOT a subject the new Crips organization studies?
(a) Military science.
(b) Political science.
(c) Crips' history.
(d) Math.

4. How is Kody able to escape this shooting unharmed when he is walking home from a friend's house?
(a) Kody sees a friend who is able to hide him.
(b) It is dark and they can not see him well enough to shoot.
(c) The rival gang members hesitate when identifying him and Kody hides.
(d) He uses a gun in a garbage can and is able to shoot first.

5. What does Kody do after he climbs out his window of his mother's house?
(a) He shoots at three rival gang members.
(b) He never leaves and stays at home.
(c) He goes out with his brother to get food.
(d) He goes to find his crew.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kody fear will happen to his sister?

2. What television show does Kody watch when gets home after the bike incident?

3. Why is Kody arrested after the bike incident?

4. What does Kody realize about the Crips and his gang activity while he is in jail?

5. How does Kody and his gang send the message that harming female family members would not be tolerated?

(see the answer key)

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