Monogamy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monogamy Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From where does Karen tell Annie and Graham she has just arrived?
(a) The doctor.
(b) The grocery store.
(c) The beauty parlor.
(d) Paris.

2. Why does Sarah feel odd receiving her mother's phone call in front of Thomas?
(a) She does not like to talk on the phone in front of others.
(b) It is hard for her to keep her composure.
(c) She does not know Thomas very well.
(d) She wants to be alone.

3. What does Annie think about eating dinner in the indoor twilight?
(a) There is something pleasant about it.
(b) There is something strange about it.
(c) There is something spooky about it.
(d) There is something sad about it.

4. What does Annie think of Sarah's steady, maternal behavior?
(a) Surprising.
(b) Uncomfortable.
(c) Odd.
(d) Pleasant.

5. Why is Graham sipping his coffee and thinking about Frieda?
(a) He is feeling guilty for cheating on Annie.
(b) He feels guilty for still begin in love with Frieda.
(c) He misses Frieda.
(d) He worried she is sick.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Annie close Graham's eyes?

2. Whenever Annie thinks about her first husband, what is her primary emotion?

3. What is Danielle's response when Annie says she cannot make it to the gallery on Sunday?

4. When Graham asks Annie how her packing up went, how does Karen respond?

5. What is Graham's response to Frieda when she apologizes, prior to driving away after their marriage has ended?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Annie feel shame when she thinks about her previous marriage?

2. What is Annie's reaction to Danielle's vote of confidence regarding her upcoming solo show?

3. How does Annie try to cheer herself up and appear younger?

4. What do Sarah and Lucas believe must take place for their father and why?

5. Why does Annie know right away that something is wrong, when she wakes up at the beginning of Chapter 8?

6. What is the relationship like between Annie and Danielle?

7. What does Annie realize, towards the end of this section of the book, is changing regarding her relationship to her children?

8. How does the talk go between Graham and Rosemary?

9. At the beginning of Chapter 3, what is Graham remembering and why?

10. What leads to Graham's affair with Rosemary?

(see the answer keys)

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